A-Chassis vehicle not moving with HumanoidRootPart for health

I’m trying to create a health system for players to shoot and destroy an A-Chassis vehicle, however this causes my vehicle to not move. The way I have done this is by using a Humanoid along with a HumanoidRootPart so that it can take damage.

I am using ACS for my gun system which works and the humanoid is damaged properly. However, this makes my vehicle stop moving.


(My Humanoid script enables the fire effect at 0 health)
When the HumanoidRootPart is removed, the vehicle can move properly but won’t take damage anymore when fired at.

How can I make my vehicle move with the HumanoidRootPart, or is there another way for my vehicle to take gun damage without using a Humanoid?

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If you still want to use humanoids you can set platform stand to true to disable humanoid standing physics.

Otherwise if you dont want humanoid instance you will need to modify the ACS gun script and use a different system like number value, attributes, or dictionary table to store the health data.

I changed the Humanoid’s PlatformStand to true but this gives the same outcome:

The damage still works as intended but the vehicle doesn’t move unless I remove the root part as shown in the video. However, removing the root part means that it won’t take damage.
How can I make the vehicle move with the root part?

Is the humanoid root part anchored?

Is it welded to something else, right click to show connections?

Otherwise physics should run as normally if platformstand is true.

The outcome is the same when anchored or not. I believe this is due to the A-Chassis script unanchoring all of the body parts when initialized.
There are no connections visible but I think that the A-Chassis Initialize script welds the body group to the seat.

I see, then it must be related to the A-Chassis script or a script somewhere.

I suggest you do a global script search with the words related to “Anchored”, “HumanoidRootPart”, “Humanoid” and see if there is something weird.

Another idea is that the A-Chassis doesn’t move due to network ownership as A-Chassis is physics constraint based I believe. I would also check double network ownership to see if its alright.

I made my own custom implementation for damage using ACS gun system just now.
I removed the Humanoid and RootPart and then placed a NumberValue for tracking the current health. I changed this when the body was shot according to the damage inflicted by the bullet.

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