A clearer way to navigate Creator Hub

And that is also the older Roblox logo with the smaller hole, isn’t it? :thinking:


Oh my bad, I hadn’t even noticed that at the bottom of the sidebar :sweat_smile:

Feels somewhat odd that it’s tucked out of the way like that though - I expected something like that would’ve been in the top navigation bar, alongside all of the other navigation items which lead to different areas of the Roblox site (Talent Hub, DevForum, etc…)


Wow! Nice change Roblox, massive fan!


Hey first off great job on this looks great but I don’t see the general menu for creation in home page, is that out yet?


I love this. It’s WAY more easier to navigate, and much more user friendly. Thanks :+1: !



30 caract


Thanks for flagging - we’re actively resolving this


This does look really nice!

But I do miss the top nav bar being black, and the sidebar being a darker grey, was there any reason behind this?

guess i gotta update my creator hub theme for the main roblox website userstyle then :man_shrugging:


This change is nice! The UI is much more intuitive and pleasing to the eye. Well done, Roblox.

Just one issue… certain parts of the website don’t work so well for me. I have a feeling this is due to my screen size.


Hey! You’ve made some great changes that have tremendously helped navigation on the creator hub, but there are some small problems with the icon choices. Icons are great for helping quickly identify what an action does or where a page will take you - that is if the icons can be immediately interpreted.

Looking at one of the screenshots provided in this announcement, I went ahead and labeled what page I assumed each icon was associated with. I had limited prior knowledge to what each icon was before labeling this, so it is not biased. Out of the six icons, I was unable to understand what two of the icons were related to, and one of the icons took me a while to understand. Obviously the gallery icon could be easily interpreted as creations from the context of the creator hub; however, the other icons may cause confusion.

In the image attached, the icons in the red boxes indicate icons that were difficult for me to understand. In addition, I labeled what I thought each icon meant to the right of the icon.

icon navigation

Overall these changes have been awesome, and I hope you can look into finding some more relatable icons in the future. Thanks! :smiley:


I mean, I can’t really agree on some of the points. While I agree on the logo for advertisements being a bit confusing at first. The piggybank I managed to quickly identify, and the Creations tab after all in a way it is a Gallery, isn’t it?, a Gallery of your creations.

But I was thinking about how Roblox could improve these icons and I couldn’t really get any idea. What do you think they should replace the icons with to make it more identifiable?


I haven’t noticed any issues that others haven’t already reported.

I do have a question and some thoughts. Could the main Roblox website be reformed UI-wise? When Roblox goes down, many in the community point to old website code. I’m wondering about the validity of that and if Roblox is working on a website revamp.


I mean I highly doubt they will be working on a complete rework of the Roblox website UI. As they seem to be more focused on the Roblox Desktop App and so I doubt we will get to see a new UI for the website itself.
Even tho personally I completly agree with you and would also love to see a updated UI for the website.


For the piggy bank, adding a coin either going into the pig or nearby the pig would help quickly identify that it has do to with finances. Right now all there is is a line near the top of the pig, but that line doesn’t have anything to do with money; whereas, a coin would have something to do with money.

The gallery icon could definitely be seen as a creations icon with the right context, but I usually associate that with videos and pictures rather than other content like games, shirts, and other assets. While it’s impossible to incorporate all of those aspects into a single icon (which is probably what the goal of Roblox was), a game controller could also work there, since the page immediately opens up to your experiences tab rather than your development assets. However, again, this icon does not need to be changed, since you can never incorporate everything into a single icon.

Advertisements as you said, is probably the most important thing to change. Granted, upon hovering over the sidebar you are greeted with text - so this would just be a QOL improvement rather than a necessity.


Yeah you’re right that would make it a lot more identifiable, completly agree with that.

For this, you do mention my worries with this being changed to a video game controller as part of that category are not just games but also all other assets you upload. I would prefer if this would stay if no one else has any better idea to put that all into one logo, but that is just personal opinion.


Looks great!

One thing I’d suggest is adding the special icon that was previously present to indicate that the given resource links to a separate site.

This icon:
Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 7.13.55 PM

Should be here:
Screenshot 2023-11-01 at 7.11.30 PM


Great to see more attention given to the Hub!

Generally might be worth reintroducing ‘Sets’ or something similar, allowing Devs to group their assets by category etc. for personal use.
Also, I’ll say this once again, allow us to delete our own assets.

Give us back control of our own inventories.


This is a big improvement lol.
Seems like Roblox is on a W update spree…
Keep it going Roblox!


I’m really liking this, it’s much more usable now! (except I still have to zoom out to 80% because everything compacts at 100% zoom for some reason, my resolution is 1600x900)

And I’m really getting a kick out of the use of the old roblox icon, like others pointed out.


Or just give us back the collaboration category.