I built this for: Plum® - Roblox
Not bad.
Three things are kind of bothering me though.
- No parts in the background. If you’re building a hilly place, there should also be hills in the background :X
- I can zoom out way too far and see all the void. (But I’ll blame the guy you made it for)
- The walls look a bit odd. I dislike how you used the exact same color and material as the ground for the walls. I presonally would have made the walls a bit darker and not… sand.
Other than that the map looks quite good. Also, how did you make the trees? Did you build them by hand or did you use a generator? Because they’re pretty. :woohoo:
-I didn’t put too much effort into the background as I was unmotivated because of low pay tbh. But yeah, I have thought of adding that a few times.
-Maybe I should change the sand walls to slate? I have thought it looked a little to plain even if that’s the style
And I built the trees by hand