A dummy that reverses the fate of death

Have you seen a game called Quantum League? If not I suggest go watching a trailer(as it’s in closed beta right now I believe) and if you make something like that consider me impressed. It’s basically a fps with a round-based system where each time you die you get a chance to change the outcome of your life, take out the person who may have killed you before and your player will live to see another round, and it’s a cycle like that. Do that and that’ll be extremely cool.

If you mean a tween backward into time effect then you’d just record positions per so and so. I don’t think it’d be that hard unless you account for more than just player movement.

Dude, that is so cool!!:+1:

How do you pull it off?

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Alright, here’s a video of my script in action!

Source Code
  local button = script.Parent
  local player = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  local TweenS = game:GetService("TweenService")
  local TimeInterval = 3.3
  local ExplodeTime = 0.4
  local range = 300
  local parts = {}
  local debounce 
  if not debounce then debounce = true

  local char = player.Character           

  local humanoid = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
  humanoid.BreakJointsOnDeath = false

        for  _, item  in ipairs(char:GetChildren()) do 
             if item:IsA("Part") or item:IsA("MeshPart")  then table.insert(parts, item)

       for _, item in ipairs(parts) do

             item.CanCollide = false 
             item.Anchored = true
             local tween = TweenS:Create(item, TweenInfo.new(ExplodeTime,Enum.EasingStyle.Circular ,Enum.EasingDirection.In ,0, true), {Position = Vector3.new(math.random(range), math.random(range), math.random(range))})

        wait(2) --// cooldown
        debounce = false  
--        for _, th in ipairs(parts) do 
--               th.Anchored = false
--        end

Place file: TWEENTEST (3).rbxl (24.5 KB)

You can increase the range too

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Now this is epic! This looks so good!

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I love that. Now imagine trolling people with this.

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Sounds fun might give it a go someday

Ok, i never seen this, but this is AWESOME, though this also remembers me of Josuke’s ability…

Also, sorry about this but… Can you give/open-source the code?

Sorry I don’t want to open-source the code but you are welcome to attempt recreating it. There may be multiple ways to go about it. In the future I might open-source it but for now I won’t be.

If you’re also interested, I made this as well but its simple and just for fun so I could open-source this one:

Sure! I would like to see it, i’am trying to do something like that, but its without tweenservice and there is many things that may be different. Epic fail, can’t reproduce nothing that looks like the one you did.

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BodypartsReform.lua (1.8 KB)

Change the reference to Dummy or you can use a random dummy named Dummy. Settings are changeable at the top of the code. Have fun with it. It’s very basic so I did not intend to make it that good anyways.

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