A fan banner for Uzi_HussainRBLX

Here is a fan banner for the ROBLOX Youtuber and Animator Uzi_HussainRBLX! :yum: :expressionless: :kissing_smiling_eyes:


Looks nice I hope he uses it and sees it


Thank you,
If he really does use it would motivate me so much more. He is one of my inspirations.

Looks really cool but I feel like the black text makes it look a little weird. Maybe you should change to white? Or maybe white with a black fade.

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He could do a overglow so it shows the background behind the words but in a blurry way behind the text


I will use this for your avatar if that is fine?

Yep, thats fine


Oh wait I forgot to ask how do you get that type of text cause I need it, sorry for it not relating to topic.

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Download it off Download Fonts, then go to your text and you’ll find it!

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