First: Christmas Tree Lights - Roblox
R6 Grip
R15 Grip
Second: Leland the Lolturtle - Roblox
Thumbnail Is messed up
R6 Grip
R15 Grip
Third: Helen The Hiphipapotamus - Roblox
R6 Grip
R15 Grip
First: Christmas Tree Lights - Roblox
R6 Grip
R15 Grip
Second: Leland the Lolturtle - Roblox
Thumbnail Is messed up
R6 Grip
R15 Grip
Third: Helen The Hiphipapotamus - Roblox
R6 Grip
R15 Grip
Thank you for flagging this. All three should be fixed now.
The Christmas Tree Light is also missing its texture in 2D. If that can be looked into such as the other items have before.