A Few Gears With Messed Up Grips / A Messed Up Thumbnail

First: Christmas Tree Lights - Roblox

R6 Grip
Screenshot 2025-03-07 030804

R15 Grip
Screenshot 2025-03-07 030833

Second: Leland the Lolturtle - Roblox

Thumbnail Is messed up
Screenshot 2025-03-07 030926

R6 Grip
Screenshot 2025-03-07 030935

R15 Grip

Third: Helen The Hiphipapotamus - Roblox

R6 Grip

R15 Grip
Screenshot 2025-03-07 031714


Thank you for flagging this. All three should be fixed now.

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The thumbnail is still a bit messed up

The Christmas Tree Light is also missing its texture in 2D. If that can be looked into such as the other items have before.

Screenshot 2025-03-11 233525