A Few Old/Unfinished Builds

I started most of these and never finished them, but they are fairly old now. Check them out and let me know what you think!

Gears 5 Training Grounds

Asylum Entrance

Asylum Cells

Gears of War Shotgun

Room Corner

Futuristic Apartment Window

Start of an Old Multiplayer Map


Very nice, especially the first few with their detail.

How old are we talking of here (just interested)

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These look really good! I like the detail.

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Thank you!! I’m not too sure to be honest, I wanna say anywhere from a year to two years now. I took a break from Roblox a while back so I wasn’t too focused on it. I am planning to work on a pretty big project soon that’ll be pretty detailed

Thank you!! I might have to get around to finishing some of them one day!