"A Free Game by [USER]" on Paid Access games bug

the “a Free Game” headline text shows for paid access games, I believe this is a bug


It’s technically free because you don’t have to pay real money for it. At the current rate,423 tix can be traded for 25 robux, so all an NBC user would have to do is wait a little over six weeks without buying anything else (assuming the tix->robux rate doesn’t change).

While it may technically be true, it sure can be misleading, though.

I don’t think real money is special compared to R$/Tix in this case, if you have to pay something for it I don’t think it’s free.

[quote] It’s technically free because you don’t have to pay real money for it. At the current rate,423 tix can be traded for 25 robux, so all an NBC user would have to do is wait a little over six weeks without buying anything else (assuming the tix->robux rate doesn’t change).

While it may technically be true, it sure can be misleading, though. [/quote]

While the User trading for the R$ doesn’t necessarily have to pay, SOMEONE had to pay for the R$, so technically it’s still a payed game, with real money.

It wouldn’t be that hard to have code make the title say “A Game by [user]” Instead of “A Free Game by [user]”
Same with BC only places.

I think it has just been overlooked. Should eventually get done if we bring enough attention to it!

  1. Ew why IE q.q

  2. Who looks at titles anymore?

It is free, you just have to be patient to gain enough tickets or use your talent to get robux, its not hard.

I used to hate on IE, and for probably the same reason you do, for no good/outdated reason. (I do remember IE being fairly slow) Have you tried IE lately? There’s literally not much of a difference speed/comfort-wise. And don’t judge from 1 minute of using it, try 3 days. I switched over because Chrome is acting weird and won’t load YouTube videos/any videos. Same case for Bing search, there’s really not much a difference, at least any that I notice. I’m not sure if IE supports a plugin store like Chrome does, but it doesn’t matter in my case since I don’t use em. The fan war between Bing and Google & IE and Chrome is as pointless as the war between iPhone and Android, it’s all preference, they’re all fine services. And even if I have to use any suckier services then great, I’m learning adaptability/patience.

I may be releasing a Paid Access game soon, and I’m going to dislike getting valid complaints (if any) concerning the Paid Access game being titled “A Free Game” when it’s not my fault.