function CustomForLoop(Size, Skip, Repeat, Reverse, Function)
Size = type(Size) == "number" and {1, Size} or Size
Skip = type(Skip) == "number" and {Skip} or Skip
for i = 1, Size[2] * Repeat, 1 do
local Count = i % Size[2] ~= 0 and i % Size[2] or Size[2]
local ReverseCount = Reverse == true and Size[2] - Count + 1 or Count
local Continue = false
for ii = 1, #Skip, 1 do
if Reverse then
if ReverseCount % Skip[ii] == 0 then
Continue = true
if Count % Skip[ii] == 0 then
Continue = true
if Continue == true or ReverseCount < Size[1] then
Function(ReverseCount, math.ceil(i / Size[2]))
CustomForLoop(5, 2, 3, true, function(Count, Repeat)
print(Count, Repeat)
ok so lets get started
the function CustomForLoop has 5 parameters
the first one is the Size of the for loop, this can be a single integer or a table of two integers
basically Size controls the Start and Finish of the for loop
the second one is the Skip of the for loop, this can be a single integer or a table of multiple integers
basically Skip will not run for every Count that is divisible by that number
the third one is the Repeat of the for loop, this can be a single integer
basically Repeat will run it multiple times depending on its amount
the fourth one is the Reverse of the for loop, this can be a single integer
basically Reverse will reverse the for loop
the fifth one is the function that handles what happens, this is a function obviously
as you can see I am printing out Count and Repeat in my function
the code above prints this
if you have ANY questions please ask me
also I don’t think this is useful enough to be in #resources:community-resources
EDIT: I just wanted to say that if Skip was equal to 1 or Repeat was equal to 0 then the function would never run
the Repeat one is obvious, but the Skip when set to 1 skips every number divisible by 1 so obviously it never runs the code