A Game-Breaking-Bug that only happens in-game and didn't happen before

Hello, I’m writing in Scripting Support because I don’t have access to write in Bug Reports. If you’re an employee reading this, please move this to Bug Reports if you can.

So I will write in detail about a bug that I started to experience today. Basically, when I try to open a version from my game Blunvox, it crashes when the server starts sending chunks to the client.

But first I should explain what Blunvox is:

  • Blunvox is a Voxel Game that is inspired by Minecraft, I’ve been developing it for 2 months, and it has a very optimized way of sending chunks to the client (the incoming data is at max 10kb/s, so the issue isn’t about the way it sends data).

  • It has several versions and none of them crashed until today. But today, I was going to update the game and I noticed that the update worked fine in studio but it crashed after 7 seconds when I pressed play.
    Why 7 seconds: When I was trying to debug the game, I added a 7 second delay before the local script starts requesting chunks from the server to make sure that the bug happened exactly on that line.

  • And it crashes when the server sends a chunk to the client, I tried making it so the server doesn’t respond to the request, and it didn’t crash. But here’s the thing, the server has to respond to the request for the game to be… a game.

Here’s a video showcasing the issue:

yes no voice, and watch in 720p to read the texts :‌)

So overall, the exact same game that was working yesterday doesn’t work now. So I can do nothing do fix it sadly.

  • Roblox, please fix the issue or if you changed something about remote event limit stuff that I don’t know about, please let me know :face_in_clouds:
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Turns out all the issues were caused by a not-currently-functional line I added a month ago, so basically, I added an EditableMesh system to the game but it only worked in studio (not in-game, but it didn’t crash either, so i decided to keep that line because I’ll need EditableMesh in the future (when it’s fully released) for optimization purposes)

And when I removed that line everything worked fine again

I’m going to close the Topic now and pin this as a solution just in case if anyone needs it in the future.
Edit: turns out I can’t close Topics but it’ll be closed in 14 days automatically