A game I made in 5 Minutes

Hey everyone,

I wanted to share this little game I made in like 5 minutes.
Its called “Color Click” and its basically a game where you click on randomly colored frames as fast as you can. Super simple and I dont event know why Im making a post about this…

I challenged myself to make something in just a few minutes, and this is what came out of it, and it was actually fun to make

Give it a shot and let me know what you think!


Reached a score of 77, nice game man!


I’m glad you like it :slight_smile: (char limit)


I’ve never thought about a game being made within 5 minutes was possible. I tried the game and I have to say, You must be very creative if you came up with this, I gave a like since I enjoyed playing it.


Whooping 95!

Quite cool for something in a few minutes, curious to see if you take this idea further, did notice that the squares slowed down near the bottom, is this intentional? Seems to be easy to click the fast ones when they slow down. Nice work though.


For a 5 minute game, this is fantastic.


Thanks :smiley:

I also made a game in 15 minutes, you can check it out here:

Firstly, I played the game and it’s obviously can not be made in 5 minutes. Even if you have been a developer for 10 years and are super good in roblox and can type super fast such a game can not be made in 5 minutes. I can probably say it was made in 15 but 5 is simply absurd.

Secondly, now that you have made this it would not be bad in updating it and fixing the numerous bugs. For example, sometimes it does not register clicks which is annoying. I also see that you are using tweenservice so that is the cause of the first bug. Instead use runservice and add a position to those objects which will allow you to make a better more responsive and smoother system. I also noticed that the game is quite boring because you are just clicking. Maybe try adding a leaderboard.

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pretty cool simple game, got score 92, I noticed you have to at least chick twice to get them other then that nice concept

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I’m really being honest the game was made in 5 minutes.
And I’m not really planning to update it because who would play such a game?

Works simple, just a timer, and collision detection, and the frames to click.
Timer was made in like 1 minute, click frame to upgrade score also in like 1 minute (not even 1 minute), to make the frames fly down the screen I just tween them down the screen didnt took long since I just had to play a tween, maybe it took me like 15 seconds?

The collision detecting was pretty easy since right before I made this project, I worked on a 2d framework, and could just use the same method I remembered from my 2d framework ~ 2-3 minutes, I did this challange using a timer which showed 5:36 (ok its almost 6 minutes)

The only thing that took me more time is after I released the game I created a Icon which took me more time than the whole game, also changed the sound effects after I released.

tweenservice so that is the cause of the first bug

Yea I didnt think about it when making it since I was in a rush.

It was quite fun to make it, you could try it out too and you will see that this is possible to make in 5 minutes

I couldn’t believe that you made it in five minutes, when I first saw the game It seemed more like a simple idea with time and effort put into it but overall, It’s just very underrated in my opinion.

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