A game I was working on was dislike botted by over 5,000 bots, what do I do?

Late this night around 10:45 PM I checked on a game I was working on, Pier Park, just to see how the developer stats were looking. Unfortunately, I was greeted with just over 4.5k dislikes. I need help urgently! What do I do in this situation? Thanks.


Email Roblox Support, that’s what I did and they got back to me pretty quickly and the dislikes were removed.


That’s terrible, so many amazing games have been destroyed by this, and there’s even a 5 year old complaint thread about them. Roblox needs rating captchas.


Like @1ik said, you should email Roblox staff so they can remove the botted dislikes on your game.

Roblox really needs to do something about this… this keeps happening to many different games.


I mean if it really were that bad and contacting roblox didn’t work (which people are saying does work) they could just technically move the game to another place, I think destroyed is a strong word.


I agree with @Ryanthemudkip. Captchas will prevent this from happening to a great extent. But people will still be able to do dislike-botting.


Its kind of destroyed, even if they move to a new place players will assume the game is bad because of the dislikes. Also, it takes time to setup new gamepasses, badges, and dev products on a new place.

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If they move to a new place they won’t have any dislikes. And it takes time but not more than an hour or two

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Doesn’t mean people won’t remember the old game.

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Ow, I understand your feelings dude.:cry: You should email about this issue to Roblox Support, as what @1ik have said.

They will try their best at solving your problem

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If Roblox had captchas for voting, a LOT of people would simply not do it because tbh we all hate Roblox’s captchas. Alternatively a system where you must have a verified email on your account would work great.


You already need a verified email to vote on a game though.

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Maybe Roblox should make it so you have to play the game at least 5 times and stay in the game for 30 total minutes before you can vote on/favorite it? I think that you should make a feature request about dislike/like/favorite botting… it’s off-topic here.

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If you actually had to play a game 5 times and for 30 minutes then every game would have basically no ratings.

They also will lose visits and favorites and their reputation :frowning:

There has been, but it’s been ignored for 5 years.