A guide to not losing motivation

A guide to be motivated to learn other skills, not just give up right away. Or you could consider this a guide to be more assertive.


As a Roblox Developer, I understand that many people lose motivation very easily, as this has happened to my friends, and even myself. People want to learn skills so they can do it themselves, and not rely on other people, however the first thing you should know is that you can’t do it all, there will be somebody that can do something you can’t.

You shouldn’t stress yourself because you don’t have a big budget to spend on a game, or that you are getting frustrated when learning a new skill for your personal project. It’s just a road to disaster. However, if you really have the desire to learn a new skill, mine being blender, I suggest you should watch the fundamental skills first, this can be applicable to any skill.

There are too many people who make this mistake, they want to go into another branch of development, but instead of researching what skills are required, or how to use the tools that you are given, they jump straight into bigger things that they cannot do, such as in this case with blender, create a scene. This is one of the key things that drive people to the point where they lose motivation, because they just haven’t mastered the basics yet.

If you want to learn a programming language, don’t follow tutorials straight away, learn the fundamental concepts in code, such as variables, input sanitisation, selection, iteration, keep progressing further in that case, the best way to learn is independent practise.

If you want to get into building, learn how to use your tools first before looking “how to make a school”, start off with something small then branch into blender as your skills are improving. No point in jumping into a new branch when you’re on a road going nowhere.

In my experience, as a UI Designer, I learnt how to use studio for user interfaces first, learning ZIndex and all the tools that were in studio, and what was being appended to the engine, thanks to @Hanfian showing me the basics. After around a year or so, I decided to learn a new software, I was looking for something different, something to test my brain. I ended up using Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Xd, and though it’s only been around 2 months, I’ve not learnt everything.

Outside of skills, my tips include:

  • Work with other people to get where you want to get whilst helping them along the way.
  • You cannot do it alone, so do not stress about what you want to do but cannot.
  • Sometimes, in my experience, developing for someone you have no interest in is not a good choice to make.
  • Have a good relationship with the commissioner, it only makes life easier.
  • For me, developing for groups is a killer, and I’d rather work on my own projects than for someone else.

What tips do you have to include, and have you experienced a loss of motivation?


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