A jump pad that is directional and mass corrected

I have created a jump pad that uses the VectorForce class, is mass corrected, and takes the player’s current jump power into account. It uses the AssemblyMass of the HumanoidRootPart for R15 rig types (Or Torso for R6 rig types.) for player mass (which includes any equipped tools and accessories). It takes that mass, divides it by a reference mass (the pal guy player on the local server in Studio), then multiplies it by the JumpVector value, which is a Vector3 type, from the jump pad part. And since the force is vectored, it doesn’t have to jump straight up. You can send the player off at an angle. The code will determine which part to apply the force to. You can get this from the marketplace here:

I have also include the RBXL file as well.

jumppad.rbxl (37.7 KB)

Server Script

local debounceTime = 1.0
local jumpTime = 1.0
local relation = Enum.ActuatorRelativeTo.World

-- Don't change anything below this line.
local part = script.Parent
local debounce = false
local refMass = 14.155184745788574
local defaultJumpPower = 50
local force = part:GetAttribute("JumpVector")
local sound = part:FindFirstChildOfClass("Sound")
local forceTime = part:GetAttribute("ForceTime")
local magnitude = part:GetAttribute("Magnitude")
if forceTime ~= nil and magnitude ~= nil then
	magnitude = nil
	warn("ForceTime and Magnitude cannot be specified together.  Using ForceTime.")
elseif forceTime == nil and magnitude == nil then
	forceTime = jumpTime

-- This is used to display the distance between the
-- jump pad and the character when the force is
-- removed.
local function showJumpDist(part, root)
	local dist = (part.Position - root.Position).Magnitude
	print("Jump Distance:", dist)

	local char = hit:FindFirstAncestorOfClass("Model")
	local human = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	local root = char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
	if root == nil then
		root = char:FindFirstChild("Torso")
		if root == nil then
			warn("Unable to find valid humanoid components.")
	if char ~= nil and human ~= nil and not debounce then
		debounce = true
		-- Create and configure the force vector.
		human.UseJumpPower = true
		local jump = Instance.new("VectorForce")
		local adjForce = defaultJumpPower / human.JumpPower
		local adjMass = root.AssemblyMass / refMass
		jump.Force = Vector3.new(force.X * adjMass,
			force.Y * adjForce * adjMass,
			force.Z * adjMass)
		jump.Attachment0 = root.RootRigAttachment
		jump.ApplyAtCenterOfMass = true
		jump.RelativeTo = relation
		jump.Parent = root
		human.Jump = true
		-- Play sound if available
		if sound ~= nil then

		if forceTime ~= nil then
			-- Time to apply force to character.
			delay(forceTime, function()
				-- Uncomment the line below to show jump distance.
				--showJumpDist(part, root)
			-- A problem was uncovered that due to lag, the ForceTime
			-- parameter may not be enough.  The Magnitude parameter
			-- was introduced as an alternative to deal with this.
			-- The idea is that the force is applied until the character
			-- has traveled a specific distance from the pad.  When that
			-- distance is reached, the force is removed.
				local partPos = part.Position
				local dist = 0
				local timer = 10
				while dist < magnitude and timer > 0 do
					timer -= task.wait()
					dist = (root.Position - part.Position).Magnitude

		-- Rate limiting debounce
		delay(debounceTime, function()
			debounce = false

Unlike previous versions, this does not require a client side script to operate. So no remove event is needed. By default, the VectorForce is applied for 1 second, but can be adjusted to suit your needs using various parameters that are attached to the part as attributes.

In testing with game.Workspace.Gravity = 196.2 and the vector force of Y = 3500, I have found that the distance traveled is about 64-65 vertical studs on average. I have seen numbers mostly between 61-69 though, so current server load conditions do play a role in distance traveled. Because of this, this new version includes a Magnitude parameter which will guarantee that the player will travel at least that distance from the jump pad before the force is removed.

Showcase Videos



Could you provide a video showcasing this on a part?

Done. I also added additional glue code so you can see how I activated it. I did it this way so I didn’t need to put a script with every part in keeping with the DRY principle. It will have to be adapted for each environment, but the idea is to apply the VectorForce to the RootRigAttachment for about a second and fire a remote event to get the player to jump to activate it. The pads on the map do need a few minor adjustments, but I thought I would share what I have in the hopes that someone will find it useful.

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