I want to be able to have a game which allows layered clothing, but when you touch a button, your layered clothing gets removed (unless you reset or rejoin)
I havent really found a solution, except for disabling layered clothing entirely from my experience, but that’s not what i want.
The reason why i find this tricky is that layered clothing accessories on our characters are always renamed to the item’s name, just like other accessories.
It doesn’t work for some reason, and doesn’t give an error. Heres my script incase theres something wrong: (yes there is the touched event stuff, theres alot of other stuff in the script since its an armor script)
for thenumber, accessoryinstance in pairs(char:GetChildren()) do
if accessoryinstance:IsA("Accessory") then
for theamount, childaccessory in pairs(accessoryinstance:GetChildren()) do
if childaccessory:IsA("WrapLayer") then
for _, Child in ipairs(Character:GetChildren()) do
if not (Child:IsA("Accessory")) then continue end
local Handle = Child:FindFirstChild("Handle")
if not Handle then continue end
if Handle:FindFirstChildOfClass("WrapLayer") then Child:Destroy() end