A List of All Deprecated Classes, Enums, Events, Functions, and Properties

Should I list the deprecated strings? Itā€™ll take me a little while, but I can do it if itā€™ll benefit you guys
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Just finished adding strings and voids. Will add the Deprecated Group Types next

wait strings are deprecated? ???

No, strings are not deprecated. The strings that ARE deprecated are listed in the OP

1 Like

Are you doing this manually? Roblox has an API dump in JSON format, which includes deprecated items. I was able to write a jq filter to generate a list containing only items that are deprecated:

Class: BevelMesh
Class: BodyAngularVelocity
Class: BodyForce
Class: BodyGyro
Class: BodyMover
Class: BodyPosition
Class: BodyThrust
Class: BodyVelocity
Class: CustomEvent
Class: CustomEventReceiver
Class: CylinderMesh
Class: DoubleConstrainedValue
Class: Flag
Class: FlagStand
Class: FloorWire
Class: FunctionalTest
Class: Glue
Class: GuiMain
Class: Hat
Class: Hint
Class: Hole
Class: Hopper
Class: HopperBin
Class: IntConstrainedValue
Class: JointsService
Class: ManualGlue
Class: ManualSurfaceJointInstance
Class: ManualWeld
Class: Message
Class: MotorFeature
Class: PointsService
Class: RocketPropulsion
Class: Rotate
Class: RotateP
Class: RotateV
Class: SelectionPartLasso
Class: SelectionPointLasso
Class: SkateboardPlatform
Class: Skin
Class: Snap
Class: Speaker
Class: Status
Class: VoiceSource
Class: Weld
Callback: DataModel.OnClose
Event: AdService.VideoAdClosed
Event: AnimationController.AnimationPlayed
Event: BasePart.LocalSimulationTouched
Event: BasePart.OutfitChanged
Event: BasePart.StoppedTouching
Event: BoolValue.changed
Event: BrickColorValue.changed
Event: CFrameValue.changed
Event: ClickDetector.mouseClick
Event: CollectionService.ItemAdded
Event: CollectionService.ItemRemoved
Event: Color3Value.changed
Event: DataModel.AllowedGearTypeChanged
Event: DataModel.ItemChanged
Event: DoubleConstrainedValue.changed
Event: GuiObject.DragBegin
Event: GuiObject.DragStopped
Event: GuiService.BrowserWindowClosed
Event: GuiService.ErrorMessageChanged
Event: Humanoid.AnimationPlayed
Event: Humanoid.CustomStatusAdded
Event: Humanoid.CustomStatusRemoved
Event: Humanoid.StatusAdded
Event: Humanoid.StatusRemoved
Event: Instance.childAdded
Event: IntConstrainedValue.changed
Event: IntValue.changed
Event: MarketplaceService.PromptProductPurchaseFinished
Event: Mouse.KeyDown
Event: Mouse.KeyUp
Event: Mouse.keyDown
Event: NumberValue.changed
Event: ObjectValue.changed
Event: PlayerGui.TopbarTransparencyChangedSignal
Event: RayValue.changed
Event: SkateboardPlatform.equipped
Event: SkateboardPlatform.unequipped
Event: StringValue.changed
Event: Vector3Value.changed
Event: VoiceChatInternal.ParticipantsStateChanged
Event: VoiceChatInternal.PlayerMicActivitySignalChange
Event: VoiceChatInternal.StateChanged
Function: AdService.ShowVideoAd
Function: AnalyticsService.FireEvent
Function: AnimationClipProvider.GetAnimationClip
Function: AnimationClipProvider.GetAnimationClipById
Function: AnimationController.GetPlayingAnimationTracks
Function: AnimationController.LoadAnimation
Function: AssetService.GetCreatorAssetID
Function: Attachment.GetAxis
Function: Attachment.GetSecondaryAxis
Function: Attachment.SetAxis
Function: Attachment.SetSecondaryAxis
Function: BadgeService.IsDisabled
Function: BadgeService.IsLegal
Function: BadgeService.UserHasBadge
Function: BasePart.GetRenderCFrame
Function: BasePart.breakJoints
Function: BasePart.getMass
Function: BasePart.makeJoints
Function: BasePart.resize
Function: BodyPosition.lastForce
Function: Camera.GetLargestCutoffDistance
Function: Camera.Interpolate
Function: Camera.PanUnits
Function: Camera.TiltUnits
Function: Chat.FilterStringForPlayerAsync
Function: CollectionService.GetCollection
Function: ContentProvider.Preload
Function: ContextActionService.BindActionToInputTypes
Function: Controller.bindButton
Function: Controller.getButton
Function: DataModel.GetMessage
Function: DataModel.GetRemoteBuildMode
Function: DataModel.IsGearTypeAllowed
Function: DataModel.SavePlace
Function: Debris.addItem
Function: GamePassService.PlayerHasPass
Function: GlobalDataStore.OnUpdate
Function: GuiService.GetErrorMessage
Function: GuiService.OpenBrowserWindow
Function: GuiService.OpenNativeOverlay
Function: Humanoid.AddCustomStatus
Function: Humanoid.AddStatus
Function: Humanoid.GetPlayingAnimationTracks
Function: Humanoid.GetStatuses
Function: Humanoid.HasCustomStatus
Function: Humanoid.HasStatus
Function: Humanoid.LoadAnimation
Function: Humanoid.RemoveCustomStatus
Function: Humanoid.RemoveStatus
Function: Humanoid.loadAnimation
Function: Humanoid.takeDamage
Function: InsertService.ApproveAssetId
Function: InsertService.ApproveAssetVersionId
Function: InsertService.GetBaseCategories
Function: InsertService.GetUserCategories
Function: InsertService.Insert
Function: InsertService.loadAsset
Function: Instance.Remove
Function: Instance.children
Function: Instance.clone
Function: Instance.destroy
Function: Instance.findFirstChild
Function: Instance.getChildren
Function: Instance.isA
Function: Instance.isDescendantOf
Function: Instance.remove
Function: KeyframeSequenceProvider.GetKeyframeSequence
Function: KeyframeSequenceProvider.GetKeyframeSequenceById
Function: LayerCollector.GetLayoutNodeTree
Function: Lighting.getMinutesAfterMidnight
Function: Lighting.setMinutesAfterMidnight
Function: LocalizationTable.GetContents
Function: LocalizationTable.GetString
Function: LocalizationTable.RemoveKey
Function: LocalizationTable.SetContents
Function: LocalizationTable.SetEntry
Function: Model.GetModelCFrame
Function: Model.GetModelSize
Function: Model.ResetOrientationToIdentity
Function: Model.SetIdentityOrientation
Function: Model.breakJoints
Function: Model.makeJoints
Function: Model.move
Function: Model.moveTo
Function: Path.GetPointCoordinates
Function: PathfindingService.ComputeRawPathAsync
Function: PathfindingService.ComputeSmoothPathAsync
Function: Player.IsBestFriendsWith
Function: Player.IsUserAvailableForExperiment
Function: Player.LoadBoolean
Function: Player.LoadCharacterAppearance
Function: Player.LoadData
Function: Player.LoadInstance
Function: Player.LoadNumber
Function: Player.LoadString
Function: Player.SaveBoolean
Function: Player.SaveData
Function: Player.SaveInstance
Function: Player.SaveNumber
Function: Player.SaveString
Function: Player.SetUnder13
Function: Player.WaitForDataReady
Function: Player.isFriendsWith
Function: Player.loadBoolean
Function: Player.loadInstance
Function: Player.loadNumber
Function: Player.loadString
Function: Player.saveBoolean
Function: Player.saveInstance
Function: Player.saveNumber
Function: Player.saveString
Function: Player.waitForDataReady
Function: PlayerGui.GetTopbarTransparency
Function: PlayerGui.SetTopbarTransparency
Function: Players.GetCharacterAppearanceAsync
Function: Players.getPlayers
Function: Players.playerFromCharacter
Function: Players.players
Function: Plugin.GetStudioUserId
Function: PluginManager.CreatePlugin
Function: PluginManagerInterface.CreatePlugin
Function: PointsService.AwardPoints
Function: PointsService.GetAwardablePoints
Function: PointsService.GetGamePointBalance
Function: PointsService.GetPointBalance
Function: RocketPropulsion.fire
Function: RunService.Reset
Function: ServiceProvider.getService
Function: ServiceProvider.service
Function: Sound.pause
Function: Sound.play
Function: Sound.stop
Function: Teams.RebalanceTeams
Function: Terrain.AutowedgeCell
Function: Terrain.AutowedgeCells
Function: Terrain.ConvertToSmooth
Function: Terrain.GetCell
Function: Terrain.GetWaterCell
Function: Terrain.SetCell
Function: Terrain.SetCells
Function: Terrain.SetWaterCell
Function: TerrainRegion.ConvertToSmooth
Function: UIGridStyleLayout.ApplyLayout
Function: UIGridStyleLayout.SetCustomSortFunction
Function: VoiceChatInternal.GetAndClearCallFailureMessage
Function: VoiceChatInternal.GetAudioProcessingSettings
Function: VoiceChatInternal.GetMicDevices
Function: VoiceChatInternal.GetParticipants
Function: VoiceChatInternal.GetSpeakerDevices
Function: VoiceChatInternal.GetVoiceChatApiVersion
Function: VoiceChatInternal.GetVoiceChatAvailable
Function: VoiceChatInternal.IsPublishPaused
Function: VoiceChatInternal.IsSubscribePaused
Function: VoiceChatInternal.JoinByGroupId
Function: VoiceChatInternal.JoinByGroupIdToken
Function: VoiceChatInternal.Leave
Function: VoiceChatInternal.PublishPause
Function: VoiceChatInternal.SetMicDevice
Function: VoiceChatInternal.SetSpeakerDevice
Function: VoiceChatInternal.SubscribePause
Function: VoiceChatInternal.SubscribePauseAll
Function: WorldRoot.FindPartOnRay
Function: WorldRoot.FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList
Function: WorldRoot.FindPartOnRayWithWhitelist
Function: WorldRoot.FindPartsInRegion3
Function: WorldRoot.FindPartsInRegion3WithIgnoreList
Function: WorldRoot.FindPartsInRegion3WithWhiteList
Function: WorldRoot.IsRegion3Empty
Function: WorldRoot.IsRegion3EmptyWithIgnoreList
Function: WorldRoot.findPartOnRay
Function: WorldRoot.findPartsInRegion3
Property: AnalyticsService.ApiKey
Property: Attachment.Rotation
Property: Attachment.WorldRotation
Property: BasePart.BackParamA
Property: BasePart.BackParamB
Property: BasePart.BackSurfaceInput
Property: BasePart.BottomParamA
Property: BasePart.BottomParamB
Property: BasePart.BottomSurfaceInput
Property: BasePart.Elasticity
Property: BasePart.Friction
Property: BasePart.FrontParamA
Property: BasePart.FrontParamB
Property: BasePart.FrontSurfaceInput
Property: BasePart.LeftParamA
Property: BasePart.LeftParamB
Property: BasePart.LeftSurfaceInput
Property: BasePart.RightParamA
Property: BasePart.RightParamB
Property: BasePart.RightSurfaceInput
Property: BasePart.RotVelocity
Property: BasePart.SpecificGravity
Property: BasePart.TopParamA
Property: BasePart.TopParamB
Property: BasePart.TopSurfaceInput
Property: BasePart.Velocity
Property: BasePart.brickColor
Property: BodyAngularVelocity.angularvelocity
Property: BodyAngularVelocity.maxTorque
Property: BodyForce.force
Property: BodyGyro.cframe
Property: BodyGyro.maxTorque
Property: BodyPosition.maxForce
Property: BodyPosition.position
Property: BodyThrust.force
Property: BodyThrust.location
Property: BodyVelocity.maxForce
Property: BodyVelocity.velocity
Property: Camera.CoordinateFrame
Property: Camera.focus
Property: DataModel.GearGenreSetting
Property: DataModel.VIPServerId
Property: DataModel.VIPServerOwnerId
Property: DataModel.lighting
Property: DataModel.workspace
Property: DataStoreService.LegacyNamingScheme
Property: Debris.MaxItems
Property: Decal.Shiny
Property: Decal.Specular
Property: Fire.size
Property: FormFactorPart.FormFactor
Property: FormFactorPart.formFactor
Property: GuiBase2d.Localize
Property: GuiBase3d.Color
Property: GuiObject.BackgroundColor
Property: GuiObject.BorderColor
Property: GuiObject.Draggable
Property: GuiService.IsModalDialog
Property: GuiService.IsWindows
Property: Humanoid.CollisionType
Property: Humanoid.LeftLeg
Property: Humanoid.RightLeg
Property: Humanoid.Torso
Property: Humanoid.maxHealth
Property: InsertService.AllowInsertFreeModels
Property: Instance.DataCost
Property: Instance.archivable
Property: Instance.className
Property: JointInstance.part1
Property: Lighting.Outlines
Property: Lighting.ShadowColor
Property: LocalizationTable.DevelopmentLanguage
Property: LocalizationTable.Root
Property: MeshPart.MeshID
Property: Mouse.hit
Property: Mouse.target
Property: ParticleEmitter.VelocitySpread
Property: PathfindingService.EmptyCutoff
Property: Player.AppearanceDidLoad
Property: Player.CharacterAppearance
Property: Player.DataComplexity
Property: Player.DataComplexityLimit
Property: Player.DataReady
Property: Player.userId
Property: Players.NumPlayers
Property: Players.localPlayer
Property: Players.numPlayers
Property: Pose.MaskWeight
Property: SelectionBox.SurfaceColor
Property: SelectionSphere.SurfaceColor
Property: Sound.EmitterSize
Property: Sound.MaxDistance
Property: Sound.MinDistance
Property: Sound.Pitch
Property: Sound.isPlaying
Property: StarterGui.ResetPlayerGuiOnSpawn
Property: Studio.UI Theme
Property: Team.AutoColorCharacters
Property: Team.Score
Property: TeleportService.CustomizedTeleportUI
Property: Terrain.IsSmooth
Property: TerrainRegion.IsSmooth
Property: TextBox.FontSize
Property: TextBox.TextColor
Property: TextBox.TextWrap
Property: TextButton.FontSize
Property: TextButton.TextColor
Property: TextButton.TextWrap
Property: TextLabel.FontSize
Property: TextLabel.TextColor
Property: TextLabel.TextWrap
Property: TorsionSpringConstraint.LimitEnabled
Property: UserInputService.ModalEnabled
Property: UserInputService.UserHeadCFrame
Property: VoiceChatInternal.VoiceChatState
Property: Workspace.FilteringEnabled
Enum: GearGenreSetting
Enum: GearType
Enum: Genre
Enum: PrivilegeType
Enum: SaveFilter
Enum: Status
EnumItem: GearGenreSetting.AllGenres
EnumItem: GearGenreSetting.MatchingGenreOnly
EnumItem: GearType.BuildingTools
EnumItem: GearType.Explosives
EnumItem: GearType.MeleeWeapons
EnumItem: GearType.MusicalInstruments
EnumItem: GearType.NavigationEnhancers
EnumItem: GearType.PowerUps
EnumItem: GearType.RangedWeapons
EnumItem: GearType.SocialItems
EnumItem: GearType.Transport
EnumItem: LevelOfDetailSetting.High
EnumItem: LevelOfDetailSetting.Low
EnumItem: LevelOfDetailSetting.Medium
EnumItem: MeshType.CornerWedge
EnumItem: MeshType.ParallelRamp
EnumItem: MeshType.Prism
EnumItem: MeshType.Pyramid
EnumItem: MeshType.RightAngleRamp
EnumItem: PathStatus.ClosestNoPath
EnumItem: PathStatus.ClosestOutOfRange
EnumItem: PathStatus.FailFinishNotEmpty
EnumItem: PathStatus.FailStartNotEmpty
EnumItem: SortOrder.Custom
EnumItem: Status.Confusion
EnumItem: Status.Poison
EnumItem: Technology.Future
EnumItem: Technology.Legacy
EnumItem: UITheme.Dark
EnumItem: UITheme.Light

Bash script:

jq -r '
	| select(.Tags//[] | contains(["Deprecated"]))
	| "Class: " + .Name
] | sort)
+ ([ .Classes[]
	| {Class: .Name, Member: .Members[]}
	| select(.Member.Tags//[] | contains(["Deprecated"]))
	| .Member.MemberType + ": " + .Class + "." + .Member.Name
] | sort)
+ ([.Enums[]
	| select(.Tags//[] | contains(["Deprecated"]))
	| "Enum: " + .Name
] | sort)
+ ([ .Enums[]
	| {Enum: .Name, Item: .Items[]}
	| select(.Item.Tags//[] | contains(["Deprecated"]))
	| "EnumItem: " + .Enum + "." + .Item.Name
] | sort)
| .[]
' api-dump.json > deprecated.txt

Iā€™m the biggest idiot in the entire world for not realizing thisā€¦ :man_facepalming:

Thanks for letting me know. Iā€™ll start my OP from scratch.

Now featuring DevHub links:

List of deprecated items

Bash script:

jq -r '
	| select(.Tags//[] | contains(["Deprecated"]))
	| {
		text: ("Class: " + .Name),
		url: ("https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/class/" + .Name)
] | sort_by(.text))
+ ([ .Classes[]
	| {Class: .Name, Member: .Members[]}
	| select(.Member.Tags//[] | contains(["Deprecated"]))
	| {
		text: (.Member.MemberType + ": " + .Class + "." + .Member.Name),
		url: (
			+ (.Member.MemberType|ascii_downcase)
			+ "/" + .Class
			+ "/" + (.Member.Name|gsub(" "; "+"))
] | sort_by(.text))
+ ([.Enums[]
	| select(.Tags//[] | contains(["Deprecated"]))
	| {
		text: ("Enum: " + .Name),
		url: ("https://developer.roblox.com/en-us/api-reference/enum/" + .Name)
] | sort_by(.text))
+ ([ .Enums[]
	| {Enum: .Name, Item: .Items[]}
	| select(.Item.Tags//[] | contains(["Deprecated"]))
	| {
		text: ("EnumItem: " + .Enum + "." + .Item.Name),
		url: (
			+ .Enum
			+ "#" + (.Item.Name|gsub("\\W";"-")|ascii_downcase)
] | sort_by(.text))
| .[]
| "- [" + .text + "](" + (.url//"") + ")"
' api-dump.json > deprecated.txt

Thanks. I guess Iā€™m not as helpful as I thought, given that you did this in like 10 minutes :frowning:

Thanks for helping out.

More like an hour, backed by several days worth of time struggling with jq. I highly recommended taking the time to learn it, though. Thereā€™s a lot of fun things that can be done with it.

The list isnā€™t perfect, either. As mentioned before, certain items like Welds arenā€™t supposed to be deprecated, a handful of the links 404 or are otherwise incorrect, and the occasional item meant to be preliminary is instead marked as deprecated. The list doesnā€™t update itself, either. It would work better as a starting point to a manually curated list.

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I didnā€™t put welds on the list.

Iā€™ll update them to the other API documentation that always stays update-to-date then.

Thatā€™s not possible to do in the DevForum as far as I know.

Well, I mean, I created this post to make it easier and efficient for all developers to keep track of the deprecated API, but if its unreliable then its useless. Iā€™ll just take this post down.

Thanks for giving me this advice. Iā€™ll definitely take more time to understand these kinds of things before I post a resource or tutorial.

I was referring to my own list! Because my list is generated automatically, it has the flaws I mentioned. Your list is fine. My only suggestion is to compare it to my list to make sure you havenā€™t missed any APIs.

This post is worth keeping around. There isnā€™t another centralized resource for deprecated APIs as for as I know.

1 Like

OHHHHHHHHHHH. I thought you meant mine.

Yep. Thanks :slight_smile:

Ah yes. I forgot to mention that this post is finished. All the Deprecated Classes, Enums, Events, Functions, and Properties are all in the OP.

If I missed something let me know. Iā€™d like this resource to be as accurate as possible so people can rely on it.

Credit to @Anaminus for giving me a complete list of the deprecated Classes, Enums, Events, Functions, and Properties that I used to make sure I was right :slight_smile: .

Thanks for the weirdly useful resource! :slight_smile:

Just one thing, they reently deprecated Enum.SoundType, sadly. You should probably add that.

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Will do! Thanks!

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Hey! So um, I looked at the Roblox API Reference and the Page for the SoundType enum doesnā€™t display as deprecated.

Is there a source of where you got the information that Enum.SoundType is deprecated?

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Here you go.

0.518.0.5180392 Ā· MaximumADHD/Roblox-Client-Tracker@d20ed8d Ā· GitHub

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For some reason the EnumItem Technology.Future was mistakenly marked as deprecated.

I found out about this in the latest API changes.

I just removed it from the OP. Let me know if thereā€™s anything Iā€™ve missed. I want this list to be as reliable as possible :slight_smile:

@Valkyrop heres rate this please Maā€™am

Class Plane is now deprecated as of Version 527.

Just added that to the list.

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