A little Among Us character

Hello Dev Forum members!

Recently I got into Blender… again and decided to make an Among Us character.


In Blender

In Roblox


I’d appreciate feedback and critique as to how I could improve it.

And of course, “Red kinda sus

(It’s rigged and it’s using the new skinned mesh feature)


I like it a lot! I just think that maybe the hand should not be there because usually you only see the floating hang when the imposter gets you.

And yes red is very sus.


I added the hand just so it’s more like the game, when you do use it, they’re hidden in the character until you do an action. (There are 2 hands but the other one is twisted(very buggy).

That’s a cool looking model! It would be better if you can make an animation of it.

I actually can, both in Blender and Studio! But the bummer is that the skinned meshes and the animator work horribly right now, and I’m awful at animating in Blender.