A lot of ping in-game

Hi, i was making a game for two days ago, then something was wrong, my ping was VERY HIGH i was testing in studio and my ping was very fine. i don’t know what to do



Is it always happening for you, just sometimes, or only that one time?
Try saving the game, closing Studio, then restarting.

Is your internet slow?

What were you doing when it started lagging?
For example looking at a huge amount of parts very close by, especially if they are unanchored can cause issues like this.

I’ve seen several posts covering this issue, and it’s all the same thing. Completely unsure on what could be going on Roblox’s end to cause this huge latency issue for players.

Well, I’m not sure how roblox handles this kind of stuff, but your ping will always be lower in studio, (I think the server is hosted on your computer, but thats just a guess)

It might be worth going into other games and seeing if you still have x amount of ping, because if you do it just means you are connecting to a server thats far away from you.

In studio, you run the ‘server’ on your machine. On the Roblox Client, there is a machine allocated just for you (and the other players in this server).

So that’s perfectly normal.

PS: 175ms isn’t high, in fact, it’s a good ping