A Low poly temple design

Just finished up designing this map, would love some feed back on anything I should add etc.


Is it possible to get more images of the temple?

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I can but, my laptop is really bad for taking screen shots, but feel free to check it inside the game!

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The only thing I would change would be to modify some of the colors. To me, it might look better to make the background rocks darker (not every rock) or the temple slightly lighter/darker (not the whole model. For example just change the pillars). This is to give some variety to the build.

Other than that, you made a great build based off the image shown.


Build looks stellar, but the color scheme is bland. If you had a player who was moving quick, they’d probably gloss over a lot of the detail purely on the fact that it’s hard to distinguish. I definitely don’t think changing the material is the solution here as the temple will lose the appeal in the style you have it now, but I definitely think that slight color variation in the actual building material would help this build out at lot.

Other than my small gripe with the colors though, this thing looks excellent.


I personally think it looks fantastic.

One thing I’d change is this:
That’s not typically something I’d expect to see in front of a temple. Typically in most temples I’ve seen, they have clear pathways heading towards the entrance. For example, this:

Either way, the build looks really good.


Looks good, colors contrast each other. Well done! I would’ve made it into a snow theme type of temple.

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Your “Low Poly Temple” looks very amazing, i like how you added stones, shapes, to the place to look more better, as well the details. That’s implemented to your temple is really decent! However there is a couple of things. I’ll add to your low poly, temple so it could look. More detailed and improved a lot more overall. You have done a decent job on your, low poly temple map and i think it looks really amazing! Anyways i would try adding little, vegetation onto the stone rocks.

Low Poly Temple
Know i think your low poly temple is very well done, i like all the details that’s implemented to the place. However there seems to be no kind of vegetation! Around the temple and around different places. I would recommend you add some trees, grass, vines, bushes, plants, broken stones, ect. Those are mostly on (Low Poly Temples) so consider adding some of those. Onto the stone rocks and on the temple walls and floor area! Try implementing those to your place so it could, look more better! Overall it still looks good i would just add some broken stone. Rocks onto the floor part and add some statues onto the, stone rocks such as human statues, elephants, broken statues, ect. Depending on what kind of style your going! Most temples don’t have any statues but i see you added a (Human Statue) on one of, the stone rocks i would recommend you, add another one on the other side of the temple! If you plan on doing that it would look more. Decent and i would make some of the rocks in, the back. Of the temple a “Gray Stone” color so it won’t look like the color of the whole temple consider! Doing something like that i know it would, look more better!!

And as i said above i would recommend you make some of the, rocks a (Gray Stone Color) instead of making them all a yellow stone color! Try doing something like that so it. Could look more better however i’ll add some broken ruins, and some stone rocks places on the ground part so it could look like some of the! Temples have been there for a long time i’ll suggest, you try implementing some of those to your map. Just to give it some details to it i would mostly add some broken things onto the ground part! As you can see below temples mostly have Different kind of vegetation. On the column ruins, stone rocks, temple, ground part, ect. I would just add a couple around your temple and! Some on the rocks if you plan on doing that i listed them above.


I really like all of the details that’s implemented to your “Low Poly Temple Design” and i think it looks really good, as i said above try adding some trees, broken ruins, grass, statues, vines, to the temple part so it could look more detailed as, well you could add some more vegetation. If you plan on adding details those are! Some i would recommend you add. Here is a couple, of things i’ll add so your temple so it could! Look more better and improved. Overall you’ve done a impressive, job on your low poly temple looks really decent!!

Temple Decorations

  • Trees, Bushes, Vines, Plants, Grass, & Liana,
  • Broken Rocks, Statues, Lanterns, Cornerstone Temple Lights,
  • Traps, Broken Column Stones, Temple Parts On Ground & Gray Rocks
  • Temple Statues, Wooden Ladders, Little Rocks, Stone Tower & Ramses Statue
  • Piles Of Temple Rocks, Tree Roots, Torches, Pieces Of Broken Rocks,

Overall, you have done amazing job on your (Temple) these. Are just some details your low poly temple needs. By the entrance area and other parts and some on the stone rocks. However you don’t have to add all the, details i listed above! You could just add some, can’t wait to see more of. Your work very soon and the different, details you add to your temple, anyways great job on your Low Poly temple. Hope to see the improvements of it very soon nicely done and keep it up!


Ok so, the colour scheme in this low poly build was purposely put as light orange due to the desert temple style however I did use colour gradient to make certain colours darker and lighter in shade. thanks for the input! :smile:


The color scheme is supposed to be bland because its an old abandoned temple, but I did use color gradient for changing almost all unions into a darker shade of that color to make it more realistic and professional, thanks for the input greatly appreciate it :smile:


I understand what you mean, however I was trying to Mimic more of an Incan temple with the sun design on their entrance :smile:


Ah. Either way, the build still looks fantastic.


The map looks amazing. Can’t wait to see more builds from you. Keep up the good work! :+1:


Thank you @RegularRival and @jordonh23 for the input :smile:


Hey there! That’s a really nice build! Some feedback I’d give is that the indifference in the part colors make the build look a little flat. If you can, try to maybe add some difference color parts, like a slightly dark brown color on the lines in the pathway and stairs and such. Other than that, materialistically, it’s a really great build! Keep up the good work!


Oh wow. That temple is beautiful! This could make a seriously awesome game. Although while the temple is gorgeous I feel like the grass area in front of it is a little plain. I just feel like something is lacking there. Maybe some natural assets like a bush or a hole in the ground? I think it because everything else in your scene from the temple, the mountains, the pathways is all so abstract looking in shape and your ground is just one flat square.


Wow! Good job I really love it. I wonder how long it took you to build it.


It is for a game! The team I am working with is trying to construct Roblox’s first ever Toys to game type world where players can play as any of their favourite toys.
The game is still in Alpha but feel free to check our discord for release informations and Toy code giveaways :smile:


While I personally prefer high poly, which is a pain in RBLX tbh, it’s a pretty awesome build imo. Scene could be more dynamic, and I’d personally set the sun in a position to catch everything at and angle to add more depth, maybe some rocks or some broken columns or worn away ones.


It took me around 1 week to work on it, so around 8-14 hours put into Roblox studio :smile: