A More Reliable Way To Contact Developer Relations

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to get in touch with Developer Relations.

My recent experiences trying to contact Developer Relations has been far too time consuming, frustrating, and difficult.

  • In one case, I submitted an application to a Roblox program over four months ago, and still have not received any response from Developer Relations. The application stated it would only take several weeks.

  • In another case, I submitted a ticket to Developer Relations at devrelations@roblox.com, about 4 weeks ago, and still have not received any reply from a human.

No Open Channels

As far as I can tell, there are no effective ways to contact Developer Relations anymore.

  • Email (devrelations@roblox.com) is non responsive or extremely slow.

  • Trying to contact individual Developer Relations staff via these forums is not effective. Usually, I do not receive any reply.

  • All the Developer Relations social channels have messaging disabled.

  • Developer Relations is not active on Discord. The Guilded channel is not even published, and really only seems to be used for special events.

Why This Is Important

Sometimes things come up during development that need the help of Developer Relations to resolve. Usually these issues are quite time sensitive, and need a response in a timely fashion. For example, my case, I received no reply to an application, which put me in a bind not knowing if the application was rejected, lost, processing, or something else.

Things were not always like this. In the past, I had a much easier time contacting Developer Relations staff members, who were happy to help.

I appreciate if you look into your current procedures and try to get back to a more open and available communications. Developers should be able to easily contact you, and expect to receive a timely response.


I can’t stress enough how annoying it is to address issues through Roblox Support and not get any help or response after waiting over a month.

I think we deserve to be treated better than this.

We work hard on our creations, and we do not deserve unnecessary frustrations and our time wasted

Stop taking us for granted


I’ll be honest, there is no real way to contact devrel cus devrel really isn’t needed for anything. Don’t get me wrong, there are amazing people working there but they don’t do any of the moderation, devex or whatever else you think they might be doing. All they really do is run some programs.

Would assume that if you got no response, you got rejected.

I can see it not being responded to cus of people spamming it en masse with random stuff or issues that they cannot solve. You’d have better luck convincing the bots on the support page to help :person_shrugging:

Wouldn’t expect someone to respond to something that isn’t in their job description if they’re already not being spammed about things.

Again, not sure why they’d need a support channel on the Guilded server if all they will do is tell you to submit a support ticket lol. Seems redundant to have one otherwise.

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I will say I have attempted to reach out to dev relations multiple times via email and I have yet to ever get a reply to any of the emails at all. I have DMed some on the forum which leads to no reply at all even though I can see they read the conversation they just straight out ignore it. They only seem to talk to the bigger creators on the platform as most of the big creators they are friends with. DevRel used to help a lot more now they are just there running in the background running programs and not actually engaging with the community anymore outside of announcements and official Roblox events. The only time they will reply in public is when its a simple easy development question.


We need DevRel for game acquisition cases, ownership transfer, and anything related to development cases.

They’re actually useful.


Good job replying to this post checks notes almost 2 years later. I suggest checking timestamps at the top right corner of every post so you don’t end up bumping old posts.

On a related note:
Devrel is still not as useful as you think they are. Trust me, I deal with them regularly and I get told to just do what they’d expect everyone else to do (just make a bug report, make a feature request, contact support etc.)

Purchasing games is illegal according to Roblox’s TOS. Not sure why you’d want devrel around for something that can get you kicked off the platform.

That actually depends, and I’ve heard of games that have transferred ownership without breaking TOS using DevRel, and as mentioned in Roblox’s Community Standards, verifiable agreements in transferring experiences are allowed:

Roblox maintains the Robux system for everyone’s benefit and enjoyment. To keep it fair for everyone, some activity in the Roblox Economy is prohibited, including:

  • Using third-party services to buy, sell, trade, or give away Robux. This does not apply to Roblox gift cards.
  • Engaging in off-platform, secondary market transactions for account access or virtual content from experiences or Marketplace. This does not apply to account holders selling or transferring the rights to the account’s creations as part of a verifiable agreement.
  • Using the group payout system in a fraudulent or misleading manner; including offering payment in Robux for acting as a model for assets, joining groups, referring members, or role-playing in experiences.

I’ve sometimes found that Roblox’s general support system is more useful for inquiries, though as @DevEXKiro mentioned, there are some cases where I’ve found DevRel is necessary. However, DevRel may be unnecessary for experience transfers in the future:


Acquiring games isn’t against the TOS of the platform, many huge companies that Dave himself knows do it daily.

Bloxburg itself was acquired for 9 figures back in time.

Although, DevRel permissions heavily depend on your rank in it, I know what I’m saying I also deal with them regularly accross the games I’m part of. They can handle many things, you’re just addressing to the wrong ones.

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The guy probably wouldn’t have commented if this feature request had been implemented. I have been experiencing the same issue of DevRel not responding to my questions for years, despite my best efforts to correspond with them. I am just straight-up ignored.

If you are able to regularly deal with DevRel. You are miles ahead of everyone else in getting your problems heard. The vast majority of us do not even receive a mere acknowledgement. Courtesy of the private Guilded & Discord servers you share with Devrel eh?

Great stuff that you got that going for you. However, I am not sure whether I believe you when you state Devrel redirects you to common correspondence channels. I have my mates of mine within these servers. According to them, you can expedite a response to your issue much quicker because you can reference your ticket number, email subject or Devforum link in the private chat channel.

Even if the issue doesn’t regard Roblox Development. DevRel can escalate the problem internally to the correct team overseeing this problem; I have seen it happen for moderation problems for example. To conclude, there are ways of contacting people working at Roblox- be it Devrel or any other team but this is all incredibly gatekept. The normal developer is sent packing in favour of the big earning one.