A new airport, that I made

I was like, leaving Roblox for, Irl reasons but, then my friend told me, to come on and continue making games on, this platform because this platform, was best for me… then I thought about, It. And then, I got in mind that he was saying the truth… so… here I am, I made a new airport. So… I decided to share, my new work too, Roblox awesome developers.

Does this, look good?

Pictures of the game


There are many empty spots, but if you fix those, the airport will be great!


You could try and add something in the middle part of the first image, just looks a bit empty to me.


In the first picture, it is pretty empty in the middle, and in the second picture, it is not that decorated. You should put a computer to check people. Also, I feel like the colors are too bland. The main colors are just gray, white, and a bit of dark red. It needs more color. But besides that, it looks awesome. :slight_smile:


Well, we have, self-check In functions, as an answer to one of your, Ideas.

Looks good, airports are usually more open and the checkout is not usually right at the door and there are other airlines like ryanair or american airlines. The colors look a bit depressing and not all the color should be the same color + material. I think some of the material is bland, like where you see QANTAS. You should also use the plugin, 3D text for this instead of decal. The runway could use some more, most runways have bends so the airplanes can taxi to the runway and they have numbers so it’s identifiable “Permission to land on runway 30R” etc…


I suggest you change the colours since it gives off a very depressing vibe, and try adding exterior

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Hello @Ron_GM,

I think it looks ok but it could have lots of improvement done to it. You could make it a little bigger also it looks a little broken and could be sharpen up a little.

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I don’t understand this, are australian airports drastically different? I’ve been to 2 airports in spain, 1 in NYC, 2 in mexico and like 3 in England and they generally look all the same to me. Same kind of layout

I don’t want to get too geeky, but it depends on the country. European airports mainly use asphalt which tends to give it a darker look. American airport are very light grey, they use concrete for most of the airports.


Having worked at an airport I believe the runway is too close to the terminal.

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I like how the interior is going, but you might want to work on the exterior because its geometry looks a bit bland. Otherwise, looking good! I was in the ro-aviation community for a while, but I stopped.

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Solid airport Ron but I would ad somethings to the interior to give it a little more detail.

I would add some more detail to the ceiling so that the ceiling doesn’t seem so bare and can fill the airport a little bit more without risking it being overcrowded with builds.

I would also add some more details to the register area to give it a more appealing look.

I would also use hand made fonts to create a logo instead of using a text image. You can find some fonts in the toolbox, just type fonts and a wide variety will show

Other than that you have a well-made airport.

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High use of free models from what I can see.

Consider using googl images and google earth to recreate check in desks for example.


I agree, most players are turned away from games that use a high amount of free models. It’s not easy to create a popular airport in the Roblox community. I would add more to the interior, and exterior to attract more people. From what I can tell it looks like most airports on Roblox. I do believe that if your passionate about your project, than you won’t have any trouble thinking of ways to make your airport more attractive. I agree with @Bohors that if you looked at google it would be a great way for inspiration, and you wouldn’t need free models. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope your project is successful!

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Like how others have said, the middle in the first pic looks a bit empty. Maybe add a departures and arrivals board with GUIs? Looks very good, keep it up!

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The Interior looks pretty good, the only thing I’d suggest is to add more shape to the terminal, for example, have an extension to the side so it makes somewhat of an L shape, cause from the outside it looks somewhat small and boxy.

The Interior of the airport and the overall theme looks great, however there are some issues I would like to point out

  • The Textures

I can see that you have used Roblox textures on everything, You should really use textures from external sites such as cc0 Textures, and perhaps you can also use PBR textures from Roblox toolbox, I know there is a texture pack in toolbox that contains alot of textures, because that fabric on the entirety of airport floor looks weird

  • The exterior

The exterior of the Airport is extremely boxy, You should use CSG to add exterior designs to the airport or perhaps you can make a simple curved roof?

  • The Tarmac

I can see the taxi lines go just straight and take a sharp turn, You should make it curved at corners so it will be easier to pushback for the planes too.

And the runway is right on the tarmac, which gives it a wierd look, You should make it outside the tarmac on the grass with taxiways connecting to it

Thats all, I love the airports overall design, theme and the atmosphere and the interior is just awesome