A new game made by me and my friend, Firefighter Tycoon

nothing in the game is really revolutionary :I

Some of the dropper/upgraders are a real big help, mainly upgraders. We have done multiple tests of what the prices should be for each button. Like we don’t want the player to finish the tycoon in 30 minutes or over an hour.

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Our apology, we worded the description of this post incorrectly. Please let us know what we can do to improve our game, thanks :slight_smile:

It’s a very nice concept, I like it. Kudos to you.


Not much special compared to the hype your description has given. Atleast instead of replying “We are making new features in the coming days” after releasing, you guys could have added something NEW before releasing to public. Then the description hype would have matched the game a bit…


I don’t like the prompt to buy cash every time you walk on something you can’t yet afford. Monetising your game is fair enough but I think that’s overdoing it.

I don’t like the font used for the cash but that’s a personal preference. Not convinced that showing the money as “1.4k” instead of the exact amount is a good idea.

The firetruck level 1 didn’t work for me, not sure why. No movement at all.

The gap between the stairs and the 2nd floor was rather tight, I’d give the stairs a little bit more room. I got stuck on it a couple of times


First of all, sort the font out on the money GUI its hard to read. The game is clean though and works perfectly fine. The terrain and map itself is bland and too open around the edges. The modelling and building has been done perfectly and fits the style. The progression is very quick and the game is very easy. There is a few bugs like where some of the buttons are red and some are green regardless of if I can afford them and another bug is with the stairs they are hard to go down with larger characters. Overall good game, well done of releasing it and finishing it, but I feel like the GUI needs a revamp and there are a few bugs to fix. 7/10


I like a good tycoon game and this was good. But there wasn’t enough in it to make me keep playing. The main issue I had was the stairs were annoying to get through.
Good work, keep at it :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello, thank you for your feedback. The green buttons are upgrader/droppers and all the red are decoration and purple being vehicles. Any ideas on what to put around the map?

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ah okay thanks for clearing up. maybe a few small buildings to explore and like a shop for accessories