A New, Procedural Seed-Based Terrain Generator

Hello Roblox Developer Forums!

This project is a quick little thing, and I have a lot of free time on my hands, so over to past 2 days, I have been working on a Noise Based Terrain Generator.

Now this is similar to a lot of other projects, I just thought I would share my own project.

Important Notes

This terrain generator uses the math.noise() function, and not my own Perlin noise function
It also is pretty slow to generate
The code is messy
The project is in a really early stage in development, so the UI especially, is not finished)

The Actual Project

Here is the place download for the project:
WorldGenerator.rbxl (78.2 KB)

When running the project, The first box with the arrows you see is the world size option, here are the world sizes:

8x8 (Tiny)
16x16 (Small)
24x24 (Default)
32x32 (Large)
64x64 (Huge)

The box below the world size box is the world seed box.

The world seed box will accept:

Blank, for random seed
A seed
A String (keep in mind the generator will only accept the alphabetical letters in the String)

Now, Just click the ‘Generate World’ Button, and you are in!

After Generation:

The world will generate with 3 Biomes, these being:

Snowy Plains
Snowy Forest

And with the ‘Forest’ biomes, you bet there are trees!

Anyways, I’m completely open to feedback, so feel free to reply!

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Cool terrain generator :hugs: :heart_eyes:
It would be better if they made other biomes

Sorry Im a little late ont he reply, but sure! i could do that