Hello everyone! this is my first ever tutorial so please dont mind if i do mistakes About (Please read)
So today i will be showing you how to create a overhead GUI for your game admins/developers
ths is how it will be looking:
its currently on top of a part but and its done but i will be showing you how to do that and i will make it on top of your admin/developers head, So anyway lets start
so first insert a part in workspace by pressing the “Part” button on the top it looks like this:
then insert a “BillBoardGUI” inside it
then insert a “TextLabel” inside the BillBoardGUI,
after that start customizing it like this: 1.Put the StudOffset to this: 0, 2, 5 2.Size should be: 0, 200, 0, 50 3(optional). if you want it to disappear after a certain range change the MaxDistance to whatever you want TextLabel
then we customize the text label 1.Put the text to whatever you want on top 2. Put the text Color to what you want 3. If you want to change the font you can
script and further 1 put your BillBoardGui in serverStorage without the part leave the part in workspace or delete it 2then insert a NORMAL script in serverscriptstorage insert the following script there:
local billboardgui = game:GetService(“ServerStorage”):WaitForChild(“BillboardGui”)
if player.Name == "YourRobloxName" then --PUT YOUR ROBLOX NAME HERE
local clonedgui = billboardgui:Clone()
clonedgui.TextLabel.Text = "The Tag You wanted"-- PUT THE TAG NAME HERE
clonedgui.TextLabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(61, 255, 255)--YOUR TAG COLOR
clonedgui.Parent = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(player.Name).Head
if you want this for multiple people with multiple things you can copy and paste the same things but change the name and the tag name if you have to and the colour if you have to (again)
and thats it, it worked perfectly fine for me so i created a tutorial, feel free to point out any mistake i made
edit:feedback is appreciated
Free model
people told me this wont get taken down for this but im taking the risk because i spent a lot of time writing this
here is the free model(configure the script to your names and colors and stuff): Over Head Gui - Roblox THE FREE MODEL HAS THE NAME ONE if you want to make it from a user id then
if player.UserId == (YourRobloxId) then --PUT YOUR ROBLOX NAME HERE to this
from this
if player.Name == “YourRobloxName” then --PUT YOUR ROBLOX NAME HERE
This is a very bad method to use. Grabbing the character from the workspace is bad practice, it grabs anything with the name of the player, so it doesn’t have to necessarily be the character. Said By @sjr04
I suggest instead of using their name you could show them how to use their user id and how they get it, so encase they change their username it will still work.
Yeah I learned that you should use the player’s ID the hard way when I was in mid setup for my game’s admin system and I changed my name. I went crazy trying to figure it out just to see it was as simple as copying a few numbers at the end of a user’s profile link and checking if the player’s ID in their properties matches said numbers.
Yes, except the “D” in “UserID” has to be lowercase. In this DevArticle they actually explain that this is better practice for this exact situation where it says
“The Instance.Name property reflects the player’s username. When saving information about a player, you should use their Player.UserId since it is possible that a player can change their username.”.