A* Pathfinding Module

So I’ve made an A* Pathfinding Module, which works with NPC’s (Which does work but not really sometimes if you know but I’ll give you the example), including Parts.

So for NPC’s you just need the part you want to start with in the NPC and the another Part to end it (or just a vector3). Here’s the module:
Pathfinding.rbxm (5.6 KB)

Main A* Pathfinding Code:

local pathfinding = {}

local SIZE = 3

local DIRECTIONS = {

	Vector3.xAxis * -1;
	Vector3.zAxis * -1;

	Vector3.zAxis + Vector3.xAxis;

	Vector3.xAxis * -1 + Vector3.zAxis;

	Vector3.xAxis + Vector3.zAxis * -1;

for i, dir in DIRECTIONS do
	DIRECTIONS[i] = dir * SIZE -- scale the directions with the grid size

local function RoundToNearest(v)
	return Vector3.new(
		math.round(v.X / SIZE) * SIZE,
		math.round(v.Y / SIZE) * SIZE,
		math.round(v.Z / SIZE) * SIZE

local Params = OverlapParams.new()
local filterdDescendantsInstances = {}

local function CheckForHumanoids()
	for _, Object in ipairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
		if Object:IsA("Model") then
			if Object:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Humanoid") then
				Params.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude

local function NodeIsTraversable(point: Vector3)
	local collisions = workspace:GetPartBoundsInBox(CFrame.new(point), Vector3.new(SIZE, 0, SIZE), Params)

	if collisions[1] then
		return false
	return true

local D = math.sqrt(2) -- A constant

local function ConstructNode(worldPos: Vector3, target: Vector3)
	local function HeuristicFunction(a: Vector3, b: Vector3): number
		local D2 = 1

		local dx = math.abs(a.X - b.X)
		local dy = math.abs(a.Y - b.Y)
		local dz = math.abs(a.Z - b.Z)

		return D * math.min(dx, dy, dz) + (D2 - D) * math.max(0, dx + dy + dz - 2 * math.min(dx, dy, dz))		

	local Object = setmetatable({
		Traversable = false;
		Position = worldPos;

		Costs = setmetatable({
			G = 0;
			H = 0;
		}, {
			__index = function(t, k)
				if k == 'F' then
					return rawget(t, 'H') + rawget(t, 'G') -- F is the sum of H and G

				return rawget(t, k)

		HeapIndex = 0; -- For our new heap
		Parent = nil; -- No more storing Parents table
	}, {
		__sub = function(a, b)
			local compare = a.Costs.F - b.Costs.F -- Substract a's F and b's F

			if compare == 0 then -- If the F costs are equal, compare the H cost instead
				compare = a.Costs.H - b.Costs.H

			return -compare -- Return the negated comparison

		__eq = function(a, b)
			return a.Position == b.Position

	Object.Costs.G = (worldPos - target).Magnitude
	Object.Costs.H = HeuristicFunction and HeuristicFunction(worldPos, target) or 0 -- Heuristic is 0 if no function is set

	Object.Traversable = NodeIsTraversable(worldPos)

	return Object

local function roundToStep(pos : Vector3)
	return Vector3.new(math.floor(pos.X/3)*3+1.5,math.floor(pos.Y/3)*3+1.5, math.floor(pos.Z/3)*3+1.5)

local Heap = require(script:WaitForChild("Heap"))

local function FindPath(start: Vector3, target: Vector3)			
	start = RoundToNearest(start)
	target = RoundToNearest(target)

	local StartNode = ConstructNode(start, target)
	local TargetNode = ConstructNode(target, target)

	-- Safety precaution checks so we don't waste time computing the path
	assert(StartNode.Traversable, 'Starting Node is intraversable, thus path is intraversable')
	assert(TargetNode.Traversable, 'Target Node is intraversable, thus path is intraversable')

	local Grid = {[start] = StartNode, [target] = TargetNode}

	local OpenSet = Heap.new()-- :: Heap.Heap<typeof(ConstructNode(Vector3, Vector3))>
	local ClosedSet = {}


	while OpenSet:Count() > 0 do
		local CurrentNode = OpenSet:RemoveFirst()
		ClosedSet[CurrentNode.Position] = true

		local function RetracePath()
			local Path = {}
			local CurrentPathNode = TargetNode

			while CurrentPathNode ~= StartNode do
				table.insert(Path, 1, CurrentPathNode)
				CurrentPathNode = CurrentPathNode.Parent

			return Path

		if CurrentNode == TargetNode then
			return RetracePath()

		for _, direction in DIRECTIONS do
			local NeighborPos = CurrentNode.Position + direction

			-- If neighbor already evaluated/not traversable, skip
			if ClosedSet[NeighborPos] or not NodeIsTraversable(NeighborPos) then

			-- Get neighbor node
			local NeighborNode = Grid[NeighborPos] or ConstructNode(NeighborPos, target)
			Grid[NeighborPos] = NeighborNode

			-- Get new G cost to the neighbor
			local CostToNeighbor = CurrentNode.Costs.G + (CurrentNode.Position - NeighborPos).Magnitude

			-- If cost turns out to be better or not in openset
			if CostToNeighbor < NeighborNode.Costs.G or not OpenSet:Contains(NeighborNode) then
				NeighborNode.Costs.G = CostToNeighbor
				NeighborNode.Costs.H = (NeighborPos - target).Magnitude

				NeighborNode.Parent = CurrentNode

				if not OpenSet:Contains(NeighborNode) then -- If it doesn't have the neighbor node yet, add the node

local debugFinished = false

local allParts = 0

function debugParts(self, path)

pathfinding.roundToStep = function(pos)
	return roundToStep(pos)

pathfinding.Character = nil

pathfinding.new = function(startPos, goalPos)
	local newAStar = {}
	setmetatable(newAStar, {__index = pathfinding})
	newAStar.Service = workspace
	local debugPartsFolder
	if pathfinding.Character then
		if not pathfinding.Character:FindFirstChild("DebugParts") then
			debugPartsFolder = Instance.new("Folder", pathfinding.Character)
			debugPartsFolder.Name = "DebugParts"
			debugPartsFolder = pathfinding.Character:FindFirstChild("DebugParts")
		if not workspace:FindFirstChild("DebugParts") then
			debugPartsFolder = Instance.new("Folder", workspace)
			debugPartsFolder.Name = "DebugParts"
			debugPartsFolder = workspace:FindFirstChild("DebugParts")
	newAStar.debugPartsFold = debugPartsFolder
	newAStar.startPos = startPos
	newAStar.goalPos = goalPos
	return newAStar

pathfinding.debugParts = function(self: AStar, path)

	local DebugPartsFold = self.debugPartsFold

	for i, child in pairs(DebugPartsFold:GetChildren()) do
		if child.Name == tostring(i) then

	debugFinished = false
	for _, node in pairs(path) do
		local nodePos = node.Position

		local a = Instance.new("Part", DebugPartsFold)
		a.Name = _
		a.Position = Vector3.new(nodePos.X, 0, nodePos.Z)
		a.Size = Vector3.new(1, 1, 1)
		a.Anchored = true
		a.CanCollide = false
		a.CanTouch = false
		a.CanQuery = false
	debugFinished = true

pathfinding.FindPath = function(self: AStar, debug: boolean)
	local startPos = self.startPos
	local goalPos = self.goalPos
	local path = FindPath(startPos, goalPos)

	if debug then
	return path

type AStar = typeof(pathfinding.new(..., ...))

return pathfinding

Heap Module Code:

local Heap = {}

function Heap.new<T>() -- Just some typechecking stuff we'll be using later on
	-- Our heap private virables
	type Item = {HeapIndex: number} & T

	local Items = {} :: {[number]: Item} -- The items in our heap tree (in this case, our nodes)
	local CurrentItemCount = 0 -- The number of items currently in our tree

	local function Swap(a: Item, b: Item)
		Items[a.HeapIndex], Items[b.HeapIndex] = b, a
		local itemAIndex = a.HeapIndex

		a.HeapIndex = b.HeapIndex
		b.HeapIndex = itemAIndex

	local function SortUp(item: Item)
		local parentIndex = (item.HeapIndex-1)/2

		while true do
			local parentItem = Items[parentIndex]

			-- Check if the parent item exists and if the item is greater than the parent
			if parentItem and item - parentItem > 0 then
				-- If so, swap the item with the parent item
				Swap(item, parentItem)
				-- Otherwise, the item is in the correct position, so break out of the loop

			parentIndex = (item.HeapIndex-1)/2

	local function SortDown(item: Item)
		while true do
			local childLeftIndex = item.HeapIndex * 2 + 1
			local childRightIndex = item.HeapIndex * 2 + 2
			local swapIndex = 0

			-- Check if the left child exists
			if childLeftIndex < CurrentItemCount then
				swapIndex = childLeftIndex

				-- If the right child has a higher priority, set the swap index to the right child index
				if childRightIndex < CurrentItemCount then
					-- If so, compare the priorities of the left and right children
					if Items[childLeftIndex] - Items[childRightIndex] < 0 then
						-- If the right child has a higher priority, set the swap index to the right child index
						swapIndex = childRightIndex

				-- Compare the priority of the item with the priority of the child at the swap index
				if item-Items[swapIndex] < 0 then
					-- If the child has a higher priority, swap the item with the child
					Swap(item, Items[swapIndex])
					-- Otherwise, the item is in the correct position, so break out of the loop
				-- If the left child does not exist, the item is at the bottom of the heap and in the correct position

	local Object = {} -- The class' instantiated object

	function Object:RemoveFirst() : Item
		local firstItem = Items[0] -- Get the root node
		CurrentItemCount -= 1 -- Decrease the items count
		Items[0] = Items[CurrentItemCount] -- Set the root node to lowest item
		Items[0].HeapIndex = 0

		SortDown(Items[0]) -- Sort down since the lowest item is at the root node

		return firstItem

	function Object:Add(item: Item)
		item.HeapIndex = CurrentItemCount
		Items[CurrentItemCount] = item

		SortUp(item) -- Sort up since our heap item is at the bottom
		CurrentItemCount += 1

	function Object:Contains(item: T)
		return Items[item.HeapIndex] == item

	function Object:Count() -- Just a simple getter
		return CurrentItemCount

	return Object

return Heap

Very Useful.

Where I got this: How 2 make A* Pathfinding


personally i cant wait for new pathfinding since roblox’s pathfinding is actual hellspawn…
but this uhh


this needs work.


I mean I wanted to put this in the description but I didn’t want to. Since usually A* is 2D/Vector2 platforming it can’t really have a part that is upper than the NPC or part (which is the start). If that what your talking about. It only detects walls. You can tell the person that helped me which it is in the description. I just know how to make it to where it can detect walls (including the NPC). Sorry. (Again if that’s what your talking about and I know roblox’s pathfinding service is hell I can relate. Also currently my wifi sucks so I might not know what your talking about)

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To be honest. I’m not really the best programmer. I usually suck at coding and I’ve been just trying something new. and just testing it.


alright after reviewing that, last video its the local SIZE = 1 you need to change to3 or any number but 3 works best for me.

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but also might have to tell the person that helped me, how to actually make it where it can jump.

also if you roundToStep (function) then do it to the goal part/position.

Make a version of this where you have to place down actual part nodes manually by hand then the module should take in those nodes and calculate a path based on the desired position and start position. This way they wont fall off the edge e.t.c.

quite a while ago I had checked out the tutorial you used to make this, (albeit I had much less successful results) but while it is mainly 2d, in the pathfinding module, I believe you can add Vector3.yAxis (and the corresponding values) to the directions table,. and that MAYBE (?) should fix the crashing.

don’t worry about the module, or anything, errors happen. but I’d say wait for the tutorial guy to release the D* tutorial, it will probably be better

the only reason to use the hell that is a navmesh :unamused:
but there has to be a better way, maybe shapecasting could be useful for this

doesn’t the debugParts function help you with that? plus the parts don’t fall off there anchored.

I mean yes it can be, but also be helpful for some things like here’s point a there’s point b oh no a wall I have to navigate through it. But I guess maybe you have a point because I don’t know shapecasting I just really test out things with NPCs and Parts and see if they can navigate through it. But if your waiting for the guy to release D* . (is it like Dijkstra?)

also manually placing nodes are in my way are kind of boring honestly. So it creates them for you

a navmesh could have potential, but the way roblox implemented theirs has just made me throw out even the thought of it out the window.

think of them as raycasts with volume,

imagine a raycast is the size of a pixel. with shapecasts, you can make it 1 stud instead
and it can also raycasts as shapes! (e.g. circles,boxes, and even meshes! i think)

its A* but adapts to the environment to my knowledge. I think that it calculates during runtime for if the environment changes

alright. but I guess it could be used for you know shapecast and some other things.

are you talking to me? @jsontext