A* Pathfinding Showcase

Hello There Developers,

I got a little bored so I decided to make some A* Pathfinding, If you wanna see it in full action go watch the video below!

:hammer_and_pick: Creation Process

I wont be diving very deeply into each system but very primitive or vanilla operations were done to create this system, so Its nice to leave a like on this post! :happy3:


:globe_with_meridians: Grid System

function makeGrid(size) : {}
	local grid = {}
	for x = 1, size do
		grid[x] = {}
	for x = 1, size do
		for y = 1, size do
			grid[x][y] = {x = x, y = y, data={role = "Empty"}}
	return grid

function GridModule:Create(Size:number) : GridClass
	self = setmetatable({}, {__index = GridModule})
	self.Grid = makeGrid(Size)
	self._width = 1
	self._centre = Vector3.zero
	self._size = Size
	return self

This is where all the magic happens! Briefly this just makes a square grid, specifically square for simplicity,

Basic Operations and Functions
function GridModule:Visualize(Width:number, Centre:Vector3) : Model
	if self.VisualGrid and typeof(self.VisualGrid) == "Instance" then self.VisualGrid:Destroy() end
	Centre = typeof(Centre) == "Vector3" and Centre or Vector3.zero
	Width = typeof(Width) == "number" and Width or 1

	self._width = Width
	self._centre = Centre
	local grid = self.Grid
	local model = Instance.new("Model")
	model.Name = "Grid"
	self.VisualGrid = model
	model.Parent = workspace
	local GridSize : number = self._size
	local totalGridWidth = GridSize * Width
	local startOffset = -(totalGridWidth/2) + (Width/2)

	for x = 1, self._size do
		for y = 1, self._size do
			if not self.VisualGrid then print("Stopping grid build process..") break end
			local part = Instance.new("Part")
			part.Name = `{x}_{y}`
			part.Anchored = true
			part.Size = Vector3.new(Width, 0.25, Width)
			part.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
			local xPos = startOffset + (x-1) * Width
			local zPos = startOffset + (y-1) * Width
			part.Position = Vector3.new(xPos, 0, zPos) + Centre

			part.Parent = model
			if (x + y) % 2 == 0 then
				part.Color = PatternColor1 -- Light color
				part.Color = PatternColor2 -- Dark color
	self.VisualGrid = model
	return model

function GridModule:GetCell(Position: Vector2): (Cell, Part)
	local x = Position.X
	local y = Position.Y
	if not self.Grid[x] then return end
	local cell = self.Grid[x][y] or nil
	if not cell then return end
	local part = self.VisualGrid:FindFirstChild(`{x}_{y}`)
	return cell, part

function GridModule:SetCellData(Position:Vector2, Data:{})
	local cell, part = self:GetCell(Position)
	if not cell then warn("Invalid cell") return end
	self.Grid[cell.x][cell.y].data = Data

function GridModule:HighlightCell(Position: Vector2, Color: Color3 | BrickColor, Role: string): Cell
	local cellData, part = self:GetCell(Position)
	if not cellData then return end
	self.Grid[Position.X][Position.Y].data.role = Role or cellData.role
	if not part then return cellData, nil end
	part.Color = (typeof(Color) == "BrickColor") and Color.Color or Color
	return cellData, part

function GridModule:Clean()
	self.Grid = makeGrid(self._size)
	self:Visualize(self._width, self._centre)

Most of the functions you see here are to visualize the data we’ll produce from the algorithm, Each were made in such a way that its easy to understand but accurate, Here are the types if your eager to see:

type Cell = {
	x : number, 
	y: number,
	data : {any}

type GridType = {

type GridClass = {
	Grid : {},
	VisualGrid : Model,
	Visualize : (GridClass, Width:number, Centre:Vector3) -> (Model),
	GetCell : (GridClass, Position:Vector2) -> (Cell?),
	SetCell : (GridClass, Position:Vector2, data :{any}) -> (Cell?),
	HighlightCell : (GridClass, Position:Vector2, Color:Color3 | BrickColor, Role:string) -> (),
	GetNeighbouringCells : (GridClass, Position:Vector2, Radius:number) -> ({Cell?}),
	DistanceToCell : (GridClass?, Position:Vector2, ToPosition:Vector2) -> (Distance),
	GetGridSize : (GridClass, GridType) -> (number),
	Clean : (GridClass) -> (),
Experimental Functions
function GridModule:GetNeighbouringCells(Position: Vector2, Radius: number): {Cell}
	local list = {}
	local x = Position.X
	local y = Position.Y
	Radius = math.max(math.floor(Radius), 1)
	for i = x - Radius, x + Radius do
		for j = y - Radius, y + Radius do
			-- Skip the current cell
			if i == x and j == y then continue end
			if not self.Grid[i] then continue end
			local cell = self.Grid[i][j]
			if not cell then continue end
			table.insert(list, cell)
	return list

function GridModule:IsCellObstacle(Position:Vector2)
	local cell = self:GetCell(Position)
	if not cell then return true end
	return cell.data.role == "Wall"

function GridModule:IsCellEmpty(Position:Vector2)
	if not Position then return true end
	if typeof(Position) ~= "Vector2" then return true end 
	local cell, part = self:GetCell(Position)
	return cell == nil

function GridModule.DistanceToCell(Position:Vector2, ToPosition:Vector2) : number
	local cell, part = GridModule:GetCell(ToPosition)
	if not cell then warn("Invalid cell") return end
	local distance = (Position - ToPosition).Magnitude
	return distance

These are the functions used mostly within the A* Pathfinding algorithm, created with simplicity and efficiency.

:world_map: A✦ Algorithm


For a more detailed explanation this Article by Mr. Swift should definitely shoot out all your questions! This algorithm is simple if you really break it down into its finite sections and clear meaning. (remember to refactor!)

According to Wikipedia (23/02/2025) : “A-star is an informed search algorithm, or a best-first search, meaning that it is formulated in terms of weighted graphs: starting from a specific starting node of a graph, it aims to find a path to the given goal node having the smallest cost (least distance travelled, shortest time, etc.). It does this by maintaining a tree of paths originating at the start node and extending those paths one edge at a time until the goal node is reached.”

function APath:FindPath(Start: Vector2, Goal: Vector2): ({any}, boolean)
	local _0 = tick()
	self.Nodes = {}
	local Path = {}
	local PathFound = false

	local StartNode = self:CreateNode(Start, 0, 0, (Goal - Start).Magnitude)
	local GoalNode = self:CreateNode(Goal, 0, 0, 0)

	local OpenSet = {[Start] = StartNode}
	local ClosedSet = {}
	local iterations = 0

	while next(OpenSet) do
		iterations += 1
		if iterations % 100 == 0 then task.wait() end

		local Current, LowestF = nil, math.huge
		for _, Node in pairs(OpenSet) do
			if Node.F < LowestF then
				Current = Node
				LowestF = Node.F

		-- Check if we've reached the goal position
		if Current.Position == Goal then
			PathFound = true
			GoalNode.Parent = Current.Parent 
			Current = GoalNode 

		OpenSet[Current.Position] = nil
		ClosedSet[Current.Position] = Current

		for _, NeighborPos in ipairs(self:GetNeighbors(Current)) do
			if ClosedSet[NeighborPos] then continue end
			if self.Env:IsCellEmpty(NeighborPos) or self.Env:IsCellObstacle(NeighborPos) then continue end

			local tentativeG = Current.G + 1
			local Neighbor = OpenSet[NeighborPos]

			if not Neighbor then
				Neighbor = self:CreateNode(
					(Goal - NeighborPos).Magnitude
				OpenSet[NeighborPos] = Neighbor
				Neighbor.Parent = Current
			elseif tentativeG < Neighbor.G then
				Neighbor.Parent = Current
				Neighbor.G = tentativeG

			Neighbor.F = Neighbor.G + Neighbor.H

		if iterations > 1000 then
			warn("Pathfinding took too long - path may be impossible")

	-- Path reconstruction from goal to start
	if PathFound then
		local Current = GoalNode
		while Current do
			table.insert(Path, 1, Current.Position)
			Current = Current.Parent

	print(`Process Completion Time : {(tick() - _0) * 1000}ms`)
	return Path, PathFound

This script isn’t user friendly (hard to understand) and is complex to write out completely, so I’d recommend reading the article I provided.

:heart: Review

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I was watching a breakdown of the code in Animal Crossing when I was reminded of this topic. What’s super interesting to me is that this design can be used with additional logic to procedurally generate world seed maps faster than before. Obviously, it’s a lot simpler than the breakthroughs that @DevUltra has been pushing for procedural generation, but this showcase has more broad applications than I previously considered. Dev can definitely speak more on the topic than I can, but keep up the good work! Excited to see what you do with your creation.

Here’s the video referenced above.

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