A players private server teleporting to another connected place private server

I need to make a script of when a player and their friends is in the player who owns a private server on the main game to a place connected to the game to the players own private server instead of teleporting them to the place’s public.

An example of what I mean is like Royale High private servers. Does anyone know how to script it?

I can’t think of another way to explain what I mean.

Can somebody kindly give an example of a script it would be a great help.


You can do something like piggy did, they have book 2 in the same game.

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thats not what they’re asking, the places are already connected, we just don’t know how to make it so a private server when teleporting to a connected place of the game doesn’t teleport you to a public server but to a private one.

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A solution to this is to check if the game is running on a private server, and if that is the case then use the Reserve Server feature