Hi, I have a problem:
The animation editor plugin appears to have been broken within one of the last couple of studio updates.
There is no data on the keyframes when import animation from fbx few days ago and it become no keyframes when import fbx since my previous studio update.
This has caused us a lot of trouble
The detail about this is blow: A problem with animation editor plugin - #9 by seario2020
Please help, thanks
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Have you encountered this problem? If not, please let me know, thanks
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what animation plugin are you using. whether Animation Editor 2016 or Moon Animator. 
I have heard lots of bad things about moon animator and the roblox animation plug-in by roblox says that you shouldn’t install it
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yes I know that because now the plugin already has a virus script. so be careful if you want to install plugins.
I actually installed it when I first got into animating and nothing has happened that I know of YET. But the moon plug-in I heard is really bad. (I don’t really know what it’s called I think like moon animation)
I’m using Stuido’s default Animation Editor
We used to import animations from FBX files from Roblox Studio’s default Animation Editor, but now we can’t. It’s been a week. Can someone provide some help?
Improt model:
Improt Animation:

No error was reported and no keyframes were imported
Can you share the fbx file you’re having issues with to help us repro this issue?
Sure. We found that if FBX is a skeletal animation, it can be imported correctly. But if we don’t use skeletal animation, there will be problems.
The following is the fbx file that cannot import the animation correctly
windmill.FBX (70.5 KB)
This issue should be fixed on the latest version of Studio. Please let us know if you are still having issues.
yeah, it has been fixed, thanks a lot.
im still having this problem and i have no idea how to fix it
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