A problem with Blood Engine by Smileeiles

When i tried to make a blood by using local script, i put it to “StarterPlayerScripts” and when i tried to connect with player it sends a error

Here is script

local DripSettings = {
	IgnorePlayers = false, -- Ignores any player characters in the workspace.
	Decals = false, -- Use if you want to have your pools be decals instead of cylinders.
	RandomOffset = true, -- Whether to randomly offset the starting position of the droplets or not.
	DripVisible = false, -- Whether to show the droplets before they become a pool or not.
	DripDelay = 0.01, -- The delay between each droplet.
	DecayDelay = { 1, 5 }, -- Each pool will start to fade away randomly between min and max seconds after it’s created.
	Speed = 0.5, -- Determines the speed/velocity of the droplets.
	Limit = 500, -- The maximum number of droplets/pools.
	SplashAmount = 10, -- The amount of splash particles to emit, 0 to fully disable it.
	DefaultSize = { 0.4, 0.7 }, -- Minimum and Maximum. Both determine the default size of a pool.
	Filter = {}, -- An array that stores instances that don't interfere with the droplets raycast process.gh them, not interact with them)

local BloodEngine = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Blood)
local BloodInstance = BloodEngine.new(DripSettings) -- customize to whatever you want

local Part = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart

	BloodInstance:Emit(Part, Part.CFrame.UpVector * Vector3.new(0,-6,0), 10)

and error is

How to fix this error?

link to offical resource

The character of the player might have not loaded in yet, this is a fixed version:

local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Part = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")
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Thank you for solving it, It actually work for me!

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