A problem with resizable GUI

So I made a resizable GUI. It works great, however it doesn’t seem to work that well on mobile. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Here’s the GUI:
resizable_gui.rbxl (39.8 KB)

And here’s my code:

local Mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
local Frame = script.Parent
local Btn = Frame.Resize
local Offset = nil
local MinimumX, MinimumY = 0, 0
local MaxX, MaxY = math.huge, math.huge
local Resizing = false
local UIS = game:GetService('UserInputService')

	Offset = Vector2.new(Mouse.X-(Frame.AbsolutePosition.X+Frame.AbsoluteSize.X),Mouse.Y-(Frame.AbsolutePosition.Y+Frame.AbsoluteSize.Y))
	Resizing = true
	local a = true
		if a then
			a = false
			Resizing = false

	Resizing = false

	if Resizing then
		if not UIS:IsMouseButtonPressed(Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1) then
			Resizing = false
		local oldPosX, oldPosY = Frame.Size.X.Offset, Frame.Size.Y.Offset
		local mousePos = Vector2.new(Mouse.X - Offset.X,Mouse.Y - Offset.Y)
		local finalSize = Vector2.new(math.clamp(mousePos.X - Frame.AbsolutePosition.X, MinimumX, MaxX), math.clamp(mousePos.Y - Frame.AbsolutePosition.Y ,MinimumY, MaxY))
		Frame.Size = UDim2.fromOffset(finalSize.X,finalSize.Y)

Can you elaborate more on what’s going on, There’s various things that could be causing problems.

Basically, when I try to go in game and resize it on mobile, it doesn’t detect the mouse position really well, so it makes it hard to resize the GUI to whatever size you like

As for mobile, it won’t detect due to be no mouse connected so it’ll wouldn’t really function as well, you could check if there’s a mouse available and if not you can use UserInputService, some of the functions are similar to MouseButton1Up & MouseButton1Down

The thing is, it does actually detect mouse.Move, but it’s position is inaccurate, so is there any way I could make it more accurate for mobile?

Obtaining input on PC and Mouse use two entirely different methods; and to detect the input method of user, I suggest you check for UserInputService.KeyboardEnabled or UserInputService.TouchEnabled and based on it, run either the PC Input System or Mobile Input system.

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You need to capture Touch events and not just mouse events, or at least separate the Begin and End and not tie them to the same logic as mouse input. i.e. use UIS:InputBegan() UIS:InputEnded() and check the provided parameters to ascertain the type.

local function InputBegan(input, _gameProcessed)
	if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
		print("The left mouse button has been pressed!");
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