A public test of my new game, 10 Minutes At Bean World

Contrary to the title, this game is not a FNAF clone. Quite the opposite, in fact.
This game is not to be taken seriously and is in fact basically a crappost.

My current roadblock right now is trying to figure out how to explain the game in tutorial format. At the moment there’s an NPC in the lobby that you can ask specific questions about how the game functions, but it’s very limited and a bit outdated. I might go for a hands-on tutorial, but I’m not sure. I would really appreciate feedback about how to explain this game to someone.

Any feedback is accepted and appreciated, including criticism.

Here’s the link. Have fun! I’ll be in the game for the first hour or so to help explain what’s going on.
10 minutes at bean world PLUS - Roblox

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Just hit the highlights during on boarding with quick gui overlays.

Don’t highlight more than 3 things.

Build your tutorial as more of a prompt driven system; when a player is doing something you know is difficult, show them a helpful tip. Have a button along with that tip says something like “More”.

You can make the tips stop showing up after a player does something successfully.

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that’s a great idea, although I’m thinking it may be simpler to just have a tutorial level where everything is briefly explained before allowing players to join the full game. I will keep that in mind if it doesn’t work out as intended, though, and thanks for the tip with highlighting things.

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I personally hate tutorials and will often leave if forced to endure one.

But, that is just me.