A question about idle animations

Alright so basically, I made a fighting system which has combo hits and all, i’m adding an idle animation whenever ure holding the sword and not hitting but the only thing that is bothering me is that it only stays idle when i set the time of all the keyframes to 0, eitherway it would just play the animation then reset so I’m wondering if i can just make it end on the last keyframe and not reset, I tried to use KeyframeReached but isn’t there a more efficient way to do this?

Did you set the animation to loop?

then it just keeps looping but i want it to be over on the last keyframe not constantly repeating

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Can anybody help with this please?


Are you okay? Because you say that what you need and then you say that you what you asked for but still you are asking…
I’m soo damn confused bro

Why so harsh lemme show you what i mean, i’ll give you an example, don’t go all mad you just don’t understand, just ask for an explanation.
Here look :laughing: @GiantDefender427
That’s what I currently have and as you can see its too fast because they keyframes time is set to 0 and if i set it more than that it would basically play the whole animation without stopping at the end like that.
Got it now???

Also if you’re saying what i said isnt making sense watch what you’re saying “Because you say that what you need and then you say that you what you asked for but still you are asking” don’t expect to understand me when u saying nonesense

So if you don’t want that to happen make a longer animation in which first the player inspects the sword and then holds it. Make it more detailed and longer.

I finally figured this out thanks for trying to help!