A question about Uinions

(I’m not 100% sure this is the correct section but i’ll try here.)

Hi everyone!
Today i don’t have any issue but just a question to ask: In the past i had trouble with Unions because somethimes Shadows disappeared, the collisions were really annoying, somethimes i could walk on the void and collisions were totally wrong.

I was wondering, are those issues fixed? I recentely made some unions and discovered that collisions seems fine also if there is a space between the parts (For example a circle as a union with space in the middle) and seems like also shadows now are always good.

For example in the past the transparent area from the Wedge were counted as collision

Does someone know something about? Like if there are some bugs or annoying issues about Unions? Thanks in advance! :smiley:


I am not sure, but try switching Lighting’s Technology to Voxel or Compatibility. If you want to use ShadowMap or Future, convert the union into a mesh.

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Not for me, I still have a lot of issues with unions.

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I still have union problems, I found a way around the problem but I am too lazy to explain it.

The collisions are an easy fix. Just go to the unions properties. Scroll down until you see collision fidelity. And then, click precise convex.

As @createunion said, for the collisions, you need to change the collision fidelity. Here is a link on those and the advantages some have over others