A Rigorous Guide to Roles and Ranks at the Royal Ballet Academy
Madames and Messiurs, bonjour. My name is Bonnie and I am the Lead Mademoiselle at the Royal Ballet Academy. I’m addressing you today to offer a solution to some confusion over the ranks in the Royal Ballet Academy group. Some may wonder what they need to do in order to advance a level, others wonder what being a choreographer entails, yet others aren’t sure why they may have been demoted or promoted. This guide was written as an official answer to all those questions and for a reference anytime a new question comes up. Take time to read it and if you have any more questions, make sure to contact the myself and the staff through Roblox or Twitter.
Mademoiselle Bonnie (BonnabelleRose)
Level 1
By default, once you enroll in the Academy you are put at Level 1. This rank is the beginning of your journey to becoming a ballerina in our company, on our competition team or even one of our staff members!
- Nothing is absolutely required of you since you’re just starting out.
Advancing to the next level:
- You must attend at least 10 classes, and one of the CI/BOA must approve of your leveling up. If you can do a solo from a choreographer’s choreography, extra points!
Level 2
Ah, you’re interested in taking your education at the academy seriously. We’re glad to see your passion shining through! Things will get more difficult from this point on.
- Again, nothing is really required, but it is highly encouraged to do the following:
- You should make every effort to attend classes when you can if you want to level up.
- Make sure to read the shout regularly and keep up with announcements made.
Advancing to the next level:
- You must attend at least 25 classes.
- You must attend 4 choreography classes.
- You must perform a solo.
- As always, a CI/BOA must approve of you leveling up.
Level 3
Very good job if you’ve gotten here! You definitely want to be a better dancer and are perhaps dreaming of a career as a ballerina/ballero. We applaud your efforts and send you best wishes through this difficult level.
- You should be attending at least 1 class every week or every other week (depending on personal circumstances)
- You’re up to date with all the announcements and the shout, you might even participate in the group wall chat!
- You should attend a choreographer class at least once a month.
- You should do your best to attend any special events that come up.
Advancing to the next level:
- You must attend 40 classes.
- You must attend 5 choreography classes.
- You must perform two solos.
- The advancement must be approved BOA/CI
Level 4
Congratulations on making it to the cap level for basic ballet! You’ve trained with discipline, perseverance and determination which led you to this elite rank, but your journey is just beginning! You have tremendous potential to be a professional. Work hard, train hard and never give up!
- Similar to level 3, you must attend a class each week or every other week depending on circumstances.
- You must attend choreography classes regularly as they are held.
- You must be prepared to perform a solo at all times, especially at auditions.
- You know the rules of the RBA and know the ranks well.
Advancing to the next step:
- You should choose whether you want to join the staff or the professionals. If you want to be a professional, look for auditions for company and competition team. If you want to join the staff, look for application announcements.
- Demonstrate your abilities listed in the duties above.
- You must get approval from two CI/BOA before moving on in ranks, whether it be through auditions or applications.
Pianist/Pianist in Training
Every ballet school has the infamous pianist who provides live, classical music for classes, auditions, etc. Perhaps dancing was not your passion, but the music for the dance was. This is a very special rank at the RBA.
This rank is currently under development as Mademoiselle is re-creating the piano experience for the pianists. In the past there were struggles with lag and sound, as well as difficult GUIs. Mademoiselle would like to remedy this. Once it has been fixed, this description will be updated with more information.
Competition Team
Want to represent the RBA in competitions outside the studio? We hope you have what it takes to compete with our fierce and talented team.
- Attend all competition team practices. If you miss 4 without valid excuses, you will be demoted.
- Represent the RBA when at any competition if you are not in another competition team in another group.
- Be kind, but competitive. Don’t hurt other people to be first place. Just do your best!
- You should own one of the Acro-Ballet leotards and wear it while competing.
Ballerina in Training
This is the pre-cursor to becoming a ballerina/ballero in the company. You’ve auditioned and now must work hard to audition again and get an official placement with us. Good luck!!
- Attend ALL company and comp practices. You may miss 3 with a valid excuse, or you will have to re-audition for your spot as a trainee.
- You must continue to demonstrate all the skills you learned in ballet levels 1-4, following the RBA rules.
- You should regularly attend a stretch, technique or choreography class to continue your growth as a dancer.
- If there is an special event at the RBA, try to participate.
- If there is a production, try to audition.
Advancing to the Company:
- You must have attended at least 50 classes, but more is encouraged.
- You must have attended 20 choreography or stretching or technique classes.
- You must audition with three diverse solos. The can be choreographed by you or a choreographer.
- If there is a production, you should audition for the production and be in it. This would replace having to do three solos.
- At least 4 CI/BOA must approve this advancement.
- You should meet Mademoiselle if you haven’t already.
The Company
The RBA’s finest ballerinas and balleros reside in these elite ranks. They have a special studio and (soon will have) dormitories where they can continue to practice their trade, mentor others and overall make the RBA a great environment for everyone. We appreciate all your hard work and applaud you as you continue to challenge yourselves.
- Regularly attend all types of classes.
- Attend all company and comp practices, you may only miss 2 with a valid excuse in the span of 3 months.
- Assist the CI/BOA if they ask for help during a class or event.
- Try to mentor someone in the basic ballet levels, teach them a trick or two.
- Perform in any productions, unless personal circumstances don’t allow. (Timezone issues, health, family, etc.)
- Innovate new dances and share your ideas with the CI/BOA if you have any
This is the pre-cursor to becoming a CI. A choreographer does just what the title entails- they choreograph. They look for innovative ways to make cool things happen with the tools they have on hand, are always coming up with ideas for small or large scale productions and are assistants to the CI/BOA when needed.
- Host choreography classes- classes strictly for improving general technique and rhythm, or focusing on specific choreography for productions (large and small scale.) or videos.
- Assist the CI/BOA in classes or other events when asked to. If they do it voluntarily, bonus points all around.
- Can host events such as slumber parties, minigames, etc.
Advancing to CI:
- Fill out the applications when they come around.
- Mention you’ve been a choreographer and give examples of things you’ve done as a choreographer, and why you want to be a CI.
These gems are precious to the RBA as they are in the same level of BOA who host classes, events, etc. These people keep the community alive while we wait for Mademoiselle to develop something new. For that, they have the RBA and Bonnie’s deep respect for their dedication and passion.
- Host classes regularly!
- Host events such as parties, minigames, etc.!
- Participate in events hosted by other staff members.
- Be involved in our community both on Roblox and outside of Roblox (I.e. twitter or YouTube, only if allowed. Otherwise just Roblox is fine.)
- Make ideas and suggestions known to the rest of the staff and be prepared to share them with Mademoiselle. She values your opinions and ideas.
- You may host productions and auditions.
- You should try and host auditions for the company, competition team or ballet trainees!
Board of Assistants
These are the second-in-command to Mademoiselle, but they work hard to keep things running. They support the RBA to a full and help maintain the administrative side of things at the RBA as well as collaborate with Bonnie to bring fresh ideas and suggestions for the community to deliver our goal of constant development and improvement. These people have Bonnie’s ultimate respect and gratitude.
- Kind of confidential, but think business and overseeing operations.
- Host classes!
- Host events!
- Host performances!
- Attend meetings with the other staff and a Bonnie regularly.
- In constant communication with Bonnie and the staff when things need to be addressed, but also connected in general.
- Interacts with the community regularly.
- Be involved in our community both on Roblox and outside of Roblox (I.e. twitter or YouTube, if allowed. )
- Moderates from afar.
- Hosts auditions of any kind, may also host productions if they wish.
This is the highest rank you can currently achieve at the RBA. If you’ve made it here, we’re so thankful for everything you’ve done and hope you love us just as much as we love you. You’re the best.
-I have another question!!!
Feel free to message me (BonnabelleRose) on Roblox, my PMs are open to all.
Thanks so much for taking the time to read; hope this clears things up!