I have a tool in my game (let’s say it’s a gun for example). and I was wondering whether it’s better have a script in every single copy of the gun or having a single script handling all the tools.
It all Depends. How the handling is done, how complex is it. Usually of course one script is better than many scripts, but in some cases it might be the opposite. And aside from performance you might run into other issues. How would you handle all the tools in one script?
As @Denz_Noviembre said, it’s all about what the script does.
Let’s say you have 20 players in your game all using 1 script to aim, shoot, animate, and reload ammunition. That’s going to be a mess.
You analyze your scripts, there is no magic answer we can give you. As an advice tho, you shouldnt worry about that side of the optimization. As mentioned twice above by me and @Scottifly , it is much more important what you do in your scripts, rather than how many scripts you have.
How so? Could you elaborate more on that? Because I am too working on managing all of my tools from one script, rather than having to copy and paste the script into each tool.
For example, if you have 20 players using 1 common script to do something simple then it shouldn’t be an issue using a single script to do all the work.
If you have 20 scripts doing something simple for each of the 20 players it shouldn’t be an issue.
Lets say the tool is a gun and you have 20 players all using 1 script to do multiple items. Things like ammunition count and reloading, hitbox calculation, player damage, firing player animations, bullet height drop calculations and bullet rendering, then you will probably overload that single script and cause issues with lag or missed data. You’d probably be better off using a single script in each tool for that tool’s requirements.
It all depends on exactly what you’re trying to do with the single tool script.
Copying the script into each tool, so that each player’s tool is controlling the item they are using would likely be your best bet. A tool script in each tool that has code for all the tools that would have unnecessary lines of code.