Hello, I’m trying to make a script that changes the spawn location of a person when you click a text button I also want it to turn back to normal when clicked.
Hello, I’m trying to make a script that changes the spawn location of a person when you click a text button I also want it to turn back to normal when clicked.
Can you post your code of what you have so far, it will be easier for ppl to help you.
I believe they are asking for someone to make the code for them… which isn’t really how this forum works.
I’m trying to get somebody to help me, sorry.
On the client side: TextButton has a MouseButton1Click event (GuiButton.MouseButton1Click) which you can connect to and send RemoteEvent(RemoteEvent. ) to the server telling that you(client/player) want to change your spawn location
On the server side: you can connect to the RemoteEvent you are using and just change the spawn location of the player that sent the RemoteEvent, you can do it by setting the RespawnLocation(Player.RespawnLocation) property to the SpawnLocation instance
Does the SpawnLocation move to a random position or a specified position?
Thanks for the help!
Really helpful