A simple luau class module. The basis of Object Oriented Programming
TL;DR: It is simple and almost identical to the javascript class. Just use it:
There are a lot of coding structures in the world. But In many games, The most formal, and standard structure is CLASS. There was no built-in Basis implementation of class in Luau. But now, We got a light, simple, and extendable module. It is a valuable option for structuring scripts as well as possible.
local Class = require(path.to.module)
local CLASSNAME = Class:create("CLASSNAME") -- Create pure class
function CLASSNAME:constructor(super, ...) super(var1, var2, ...) --[[call super constructor]] end -- Assign class constructor function
function CLASSNAME:destructor(super, ...) super(var1, var2, ...) --[[call super destructor]] end -- Assign class destructor function
function CLASSNAME:foo(...) end -- Add new function
locla obj = CLASSNAME(var1, var2, ...) -- Create object
obj:destroy() -- Destroy object
print(obj:__is(CLASSNAME)) -- Return object is given class or given the class' child's class
print(obj:__isStatic(CLASSNAME)) -- Return object is whether it's static or not
print(obj:__name(CLASSNAME)) -- Return object's name for programmer
print(obj:__tostring(CLASSNAME)) -- (A customizable implement function) Return object's status *USUALLY*
I’m curious about what is the best method to connect Client-sided class and Server-sided class. Is there any way to do it? What if there is any, reply to me.
The module itself is nice but I’m just a bit worried that "Will it cause any performance issues?"
If not, I’ll probably think about it. And for your question, you may name the method something like :request or :response, something like this? And for how it’ll work, you may send the name of the class name or something like that and use a remote event yourself to get the request or something like that? (Please help, I’m really bad at js, I’m pretty sure I did not understand your question properly.)
First, I’ve confirmed that it won’t cause a performance issue. because it just indexes the function by metamethod and a class only costs memory addresses while in the table (except functions that it is your own risk).
And Second, yeah exactly. I’m considering the client-side class that performs :request, :response things.
(In addition, I’ve never used js. I just only referenced js. that’s all.)
First, I’m concerning about how to make a remote connection between the server-side, and client-side classes, which the server side controls and the client side responds to the server’s request.
Second, I want to make type-checking like the following one
local Class = require(path.to.module)
local NewClass = Class:create("new")
function returnNewObj(): NewClass (or new)
local newObj = NewClass()
return newObj
As shown above, I want to make a type automatically assigned to the class variable or given class name.
If you have any answers to one of them, Please reply to my post.
For a few people still seeing this, This project is kinda deprecated. There is no reason to use this module to implement and sustain an OOP-styled system because this can be made with original metamethods while supporting additional type-checking and future-proof. Since I was an elementary-level programmer I made it without such a deep understanding of OOP. There could be some points to learn, however, I disclaim that It is pointless and unoptimized.