local plr = game:GetService(“Players”).LocalPlayer – player object
local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait() – character object
local humanoid = char:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”) – humanoid object
game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.HeadLocked = true – just set to false or comment out if this is causing issues in your game, it just sets the camera to follow the characters head object when for we ex. crouch
local UIS = game:GetService(“UserInputService”)
local crouchAnim = Instance.new(“Animation”) – animation for crouching, set the id to your own, or dont, idk at this point
crouchAnim.Parent = script
crouchAnim.Name = “CrouchAnimation”
crouchAnim.AnimationId = “rbxassetid://9701823161”
local slideAnim = Instance.new(“Animation”) – animation for sliding, set the id to your own, or dont, idk at this point
slideAnim.Parent = script
slideAnim.Name = “SlideAnimation”
slideAnim.AnimationId = “rbxassetid://9701872337”
local loadedAnims = { – animations
crouch = humanoid:LoadAnimation(crouchAnim),
slide = humanoid:LoadAnimation(slideAnim)
local bools = { – script wide booleans
crouching = false,
sliding = false,
canCrouch = true,
canSlide = false
local speeds = { – amount that we add or subtract for the event
crouching = 5,
sliding = 12
local keys = { – specified keys for each event, do NOT set any of them to the same key, it doesnt work, and im too lazy to fix it
crouching = Enum.KeyCode.C,
sliding = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift
local maxSlideTime = 2 – max amount of time you can slide for before it auto stops you
function crouch(bool) – crouching animations
if bool then
elseif not bool then
function slide(bool) – sliding animations
if bool then
elseif not bool then
UIS.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gameProcessedEvent) – on a keydown
if not gameProcessedEvent then – if we are actually playing the game and arent like, in the chat
bools.canCrouch = false, -- set the new boolean values
elseif input.KeyCode == keys.crouching then -- if we pressed the crouching key
if bools.canCrouch == false then return end -- checking if we can crouch
if bools.crouching == true then return end -- checking if we arent already crouching (this shouldnt be needed but whatever)
humanoid.WalkSpeed -= speeds.crouching -- take away the crouching speed
bools.canCrouch, bools.crouching = false, true -- set the booleans
crouch(true) -- send the function for animations
elseif input.KeyCode == keys.sliding then
if bools.crouching == true then return end -- make sure we arent crouching
if bools.canSlide == true then return end -- just checking.. we can slide right?
humanoid.WalkSpeed += speeds.sliding -- add the sliding speed to make them go brrrr
bools.canCrouch, bools.canSlide, bools.sliding, bools.crouching, = false, false, true, false -- set *a lot* booleans
slide(true) -- send the animation event
while task.wait(maxSlideTime) do -- wait until the max slide time is up
if bools.sliding == true then -- if we didnt already stop sliding
humanoid.WalkSpeed -= speeds.sliding -- remove the sliding speed
bools.canCrouch, bools.canSlide, bools.sliding, bools.crouching, = true, false, false, false -- set *a lot* booleans
slide(false) -- animation function
break -- break the loop so that we dont keep checking
UIS.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, gameProcessedEvent)
if not gameProcessedEvent then
bools.canCrouch = true -- set booleans
elseif input.KeyCode == keys.crouching then -- did we stop pressing the crouch key
if bools.canCrouch == true then return end -- double checks with crouching idk how to explain this
if bools.crouching == false then return end -- just making sure we are crouchign
humanoid.WalkSpeed += speeds.crouching -- give them their speed back
bools.canCrouch, bools.crouching = true, false -- set bools
crouch(false) -- fire animation function
elseif input.KeyCode == keys.sliding then -- did we stop pressing the sliding key
if bools.crouching == true then return end -- we arent crouching
if bools.canSlide == true then return end -- double check thing again xd
if bools.sliding == false then return end -- making sure we can slide
humanoid.WalkSpeed -= speeds.sliding -- give them the speed back
bools.canCrouch, bools.canSlide, bools.sliding, bools.crouching = true, false, false, false -- set *a lot* booleans
slide(false) -- fire the animation function