I’ve recently came across this line of code that doesn’t work for some odd reason. It keeps not finding the “Part” when it’s in the descendant of where it is scripted to GetDescendants().
for i,v in pairs(script.Parent:GetDescendants()) do
if v:IsA("Part") then
print("FOUND YES")
table.insert(uno, v.Name) -- uno is a table
print("NOT FOUND OOF #1")
Is this a studio bug? Or is there such things as a limit for GetDescendants()?
this sounds like client-server shenanigans. Make sure you’re not trying to read an instance that is server only on the client, and vice versa. I’d need to see the entire rest of your game to give a fully informed input.
IIRC, the “green” bar is server, so if youre expecting a “part” input from the server on the client - you won’t get it, and if you’re expecting a part input from the client “on the server”, you won’t get it.