A simple top-down shooter game

Hi, i made a small game and wanted to share it because i want some feedback on it!

What is this about? Well it’s just nothing more than a small project i once did which i no longer can mantain (altrough i won’t uncopylock the main game in fear i might want to update it).
I currently have no intention on linking the game due to being on an account i wish it didn’t.


  • Simple game, simple objective. (This being, go to objective, do this, kill enemies, finish level)
  • Easy to understand internals. (i lied)
  • NPC Combat
  • TextWriter dialogue
  • Cheats! (Press F8 to open it, altrough i’m not gonna list all the available cheats so yeah)

Have fun!
You can choose to modify this, do whatever you want with it i don’t care, i don’t want credit.


Patch 1.0 (first patch)

  • Removed some weird code that i forgot to remove when testing some code.

game.rbxl (365.8 KB)


It is amazing. Great gameplay. Good scripting.

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it is made good but enemies doesnt shoots back, camera is very close, there is bugs overall if this is developed good it can turn intoı a masterpiece

whats going on?

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Oh, i forgot i put some code for testing something i was curious about, since yknow i also used this place to test some code. Next update i will remove that whatever is doing it.

What it is for? Looks very malicious and unneeded.

I checked the code, seems to just randomize some service names lmao
Anyway, i’ve removed it and uploaded a new version without that weird code. I have no idea why past me even thought it would be good idea to have that, regardless it no longer exists. (It actually fixed the performance drops i was having, again why did my past self think it was good idea to put that code in there? No one knows…)

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Big games do it too, just prevents most exploits as a good chunk of exploiters just use .servicename instead of getservice, so this just causes their exploits to error

Wow, I’ve actually never heard of that. Pretty cool