Currently I am making a viewmodel gun that has its camera animated.
However, when the camera animation is playing, the mouse is being dragged over and as a result, the camera moved and made it roll to the foots.
My current solutions:
To cancell the mouse movement by rotating the camera reverse way.
This is currently not achieved yet for its weird behavior, and this also means that the player may not move his mouse during the process.
Remove the X and Y axis of rotation and leave the Z axis rotation on the camera only. This means that the animation will be less realistic.
What that I did was to insert a attachment into Terrain and instead of updating the CurrentCamera, the Default PlayerModule updates the attachment, which’s CFrame was replicated to a viewmodel in workspace and the camera’s CFrame is updated to a Part named CameraBone in the viewmodel, that is attached to the RootPart of the viewmodel through a motor6D.