Many GFX artists who use Blender 2.8+ have had this problem. After exporting your fully accessorized character into blender, you realize that everything is in the same mesh! This is intended as a partial fix to this problem.
Anyone has permission to replicate this tutorial in video format, just credit me @FanTasTicDoggo1 in the description.
Step #1
As you can see from the selection outline, the entire thing hes imported as one mesh.
Now, go into edit mode, click mesh, merge, and then by distance. This gets rid of the unnecessary geometry within your model, which will help greatly in the next step. You should know this worked when a little notification pops up at the bottom showing how many vertices were removed.
Step #2
Now, you want to do sort of the opposite of what we just did! In edit mode, click on mesh, seperate, then by loose parts.
After you have done this, go back into object mode, and your model should be seperated into different parts like this:
Step #3
Now, you need to select each accessory.
Most of the time, the accessories will be split into many different parts. In that case, try selecting each body part first, and then move them out of the way/ delete them to make it easier to select each accessory.
After selecting each accessories’ parts, join them using Ctrl + j
Here is what it looks like after I selected and joined everything:
Step #4
Now, you need to move each accessory to the correct spot. To do this, you first need to make sure the 3d cursor is at the world origin.
If the 3d cursor is not at the world origin, click object, snap, cursor to world origin.
Please note that the 3d cursor is mvoed through left clicks.
After that, click object, snap, selection to cursor (keep offset) for each object.
Please note that specifically using keep offset is important for this step.
It is also important that you do not select every object at once, but rather do this step for each object one at a time.
End Result
As you can see from the selection outlines, each accessory is properly now properly seperate.