A specific user cannot teleport within my experience consistently (error 773)

Reproduction Steps

  1. Be a specific user (info attached privately)
  2. Use a mobile device to play The Day the Noobs Took Over Roblox 3
  3. Walk to the chapter select door, touch it, get the chapter select UI
  4. Select any chapter, however most specifically the one called “Where The Pieces Go” (placeId: 4566890139)
  5. You begin the teleportation process
  6. You “enter” the place, but instantly receive the following error “attempt to teleport to a place that is restricted (error code 773)”

Expected Behavior

  1. Be a specific user
  2. Use a mobile device to play TDTNTOR 3
  3. Use the chapter select UI
  4. Teleport to any subplace without worry

Actual Behavior
The user occasionally receives error 773. The user sometimes does not receive it. The user almost always receives it for placeId 4566890139. No one else receives this error, as far as I’m aware. This user has been bombarding me with reports about this and I am unable to help them.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Connectivity
Impact: Very High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-08-15 00:08:00 (-07:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-08-18 00:08:00 (-07:00)
A private message is associated with this bug report


Looks to have resolved itself, but it was persistent for ~3 days.

If this issue starts recurring, please file a new devforum report !

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