ROBLOX is a very stable platform, but sometimes there is maintenance or an issue with one of the Services. It would be handy if Developers / ROBLOX players could view a website where the ‘Health’ of the ROBLOX platform is showcased.
Here is a example of ‘’ ( A other good one is
- ROBLOX staff can make reports for game breaking updates. For example, when the MarketService isn’t working. (A lot of developers are still using this service to check or a Player has a certain gamepass, etc)
- We can ‘see’ or this issues has been fixed. (And we don’t have to verify by our fellow developers or the issues have been fixed
Benefits :
- We as Developers know what the current status is, what we need to do in case of something ‘bad’. For example, the DataStore service doesn’t work anymore.
- Players won’t go straight to ‘Oh ! ROBLOX GOT HACKED !’. But can actually view the status of the element on the Status website.
TL;dr A ROBLOX Status page or website that allows you guys to keep us informed about critical matter and to keep us informed about the status of the ROBLOX platform
Thoughts ?