A sudden decrease In players

I’ve recently started to notice a project I’m working on started to decrease In the numbers of players. We recently hit 1M visits, but since the sudden decrease In players we only started averaging 8 - 24 daily players.

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It can have something to do with filtered devices. Click on Developer Stats, you can see filtered devices there. On devices listed there, your game won’t be shown to others. You can fix this by updating your game (and in order to not make it appear again, fix the problem which causes the crashes on that devices.)


Thank you for the help, but we are planning to release a new update on the 12th of February.

Mabye the game has been laggy for players due to to many parts or a virus, Probably isnt but you may be producing the same content over and over so players may be getting bored. I hope you can recover your game! Or recommendations may be broken due to ROBLOX being a great website.

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I have noticed the same thing. When has this started to happen? I have realized, from yesterday, my game’s ranking on a specific tag has gone from 40 to suddenly in the thousands, and this has impacted my concurrent players from the mid-range of 200 to around 70-50. However, I’m pretty sure this has to do with translations, because 10 minutes after experimenting with them, the number of players has suddenly decreased, and the game has been unranked in certain categories. Reverting the translations has not helped at all.

I have tried posting on platform bugs, but I am currently locked out.


It started happening around 9 days ago, we averaged around 75 - 300 players,
as you can see that is a HUGE difference.

I have seen many games drop because when school starts kids play Roblox less. I think that is what happened or you don’t update enough. That may have happened, I’m just stating my opinion.


it may have something to do with holidays being over