General Use Cases:
Use this when you want to make any number of keys point to a singular value.
How It Works:
Key Linker Source Code HERE
Source Code
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
type Key = string | number | instance
type RawKey = string --GUUID
local function GarbageColectRefrences(self, RawKey)
if self.LinkedRefrences[RawKey] then
for i = #self.LinkedRefrences[RawKey], 1, -1 do
local Key = self.LinkedRefrences[RawKey][i]
self.LinkedRefrences[Key] = nil
table.remove(self.LinkedRefrences[RawKey], i)
local KeyLinker = {}
KeyLinker.__index = function(self, Key)
local RawKey = self.LinkedRefrences[Key]
return (KeyLinker[Key]) or (RawKey and self[RawKey])
KeyLinker.__newindex = function(self, Key, Value)
local LinkedRefrences = self.LinkedRefrences
--Cannot set nil value to nil
local OldRawKey = LinkedRefrences[Key]
if (not OldRawKey) and (not Value) then
if OldRawKey then
rawset(self, OldRawKey, Value)
--Delete it
if not Value then
GarbageColectRefrences(self, OldRawKey)
rawset(self, "Size", math.max(self.Size - 1, 0))
local RawKey = HttpService:GenerateGUID(false)
LinkedRefrences[RawKey] = {Key}
LinkedRefrences[Key] = RawKey
rawset(self, "Size", self.Size + 1)
rawset(self, RawKey, Value)
return setmetatable({
LinkedRefrences = {} :: {[Key]: RawKey, [RawKey]: {Key}},
Size = 0
}, KeyLinker)
function KeyLinker:LinkRefrence(KeyToLinkTo: Key, NewKeys: {Key}) --use to remove refrence aswell
local LinkedRefrences = self.LinkedRefrences
local RawKey = LinkedRefrences[KeyToLinkTo]
if RawKey then
for _, NewKey: Key in NewKeys do
if not LinkedRefrences[NewKey] and LinkedRefrences[NewKey] ~= RawKey then
LinkedRefrences[NewKey] = RawKey
table.insert(LinkedRefrences[RawKey], NewKey)
warn(KeyToLinkTo, " is not a valid member of the DataBase")
function KeyLinker:UnlinkRefrence(Key: Key)
local LinkedRefrences = self.LinkedRefrences
local RawKey = LinkedRefrences[Key]
if RawKey then
local Pos = table.find(LinkedRefrences[RawKey], Key)
if Pos and Pos == 1 then --If its the only key
self[Key] = nil
if Pos then
table.remove(LinkedRefrences[RawKey], Pos)
LinkedRefrences[Key] = nil
return KeyLinker
KeyLinker Methods
--Allows new keys to point to the same value as an original key
LinkRefrence(OriginalKey: any, NewKeys: {[any]: any}): ()
--Removes any link the given Key had to any value
UnlinkRefrence(KeyToUnlink: any): ()
How to use and Tutorials:
Tutorial & Example 1 | Creating Key Links
In this example, I will show you how to add multiple keys to point to a single value.
So in this example, we are making a database where you want to assign both ProductID and ProductName to a single ProductData value.
Lets assume the product name is: "LightBulbs: and the product ID is: “0x234”.
local KeyLinker = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SharedRefrences
local ProductData =
ProductData.LightBulbs = {
["Price"] = 100
ProductData:LinkRefrence("LightBulbs", {"0x234"})
print(ProductData["0x234"].Price) --100
--Lets change the price of this product through the product ID
ProductData["0x234"].Price = 50
print(ProductData.LightBulbs.Price) --50
--Lets change the value of 0x234 to a string
ProductData["0x234"] = "Not Available"
print(ProductData.LightBulbs) --"Not Available"
We have linked both the ProductName “LightBulbs” to the ProductID “0x234”. As you can see, changing the value of the Key: “0x234” also changes the value of the key: “LightBulbs”. This is because they are linked.
Tutorial & Example 2 | Removing Key Links
In this tutorial I will show you how to remove a key link. The key link that is removed will then be able to be used for other links.
Lets say we have a database of roblox players.
Key | Player One | Player Two |
UserID : | 10 | 20 |
UserName : | ChillGuy123 | SoloIsTheName321 |
DisplayName: | Chillest One | Solo Cord |
First lets create this database:
local PlayerDatabase =
PlayerDatabase[10] = {
Username = "ChillGuy123",
DisplayName = "Chillest One",
UserId = 10
PlayerDatabase[20] = {
Username = "SoloIsTheName321",
DisplayName = "Solo Cord",
UserId = 20
--Link keys so I can access player data via Username, Displayname, or UserId
PlayerDatabase:LinkRefrence(10, {"ChillGuy123", "Chillest One"})
PlayerDatabase:LinkRefrence(20, {"Solo Cord", "SoloIsTheName321"})
Now, what if SoloIsTheName321 wants to change his username to SoloSoCool123
--Change SoloIsTheName321's username in the PlayerDataBase
PlayerDatabase[20].Username = "SoloSoCool123"
--Now can refrence data with: PlayerDatabase.SoloSoCool123
PlayerDatabase:LinkRefrence(20, {"SoloSoCool123"})
But the problem with this is that SoloIsTheName321 still points to SoloSoCool123 player data. Any assignment of PlayerDatabase.SoloIsTheName321 will still affect the database for SoloCord player data.
Solution: We need to Unlink this key from the database.
--Change SoloIsTheName321's username in the PlayerDataBase
PlayerDatabase[20].Username = "SoloSoCool123"
--Now can refrence data with: PlayerDatabase.SoloSoCool123
PlayerDatabase:LinkRefrence(20, {"SoloSoCool123"})
PlayerDatabase:UnlinkRefrence(20, {"SoloIsTheName321"})
Now SoloIsTheName321 will no longer point to any value and can now safely be used for new usernames.
Question: What if I create a new key link that has the same name as another key link
Answer: The exsisting key link will automatically unlink from it’s original value.
local ProductDataBase =
ProductDataBase["Apple"] = {
ProductName = "Apple",
ProductID = "Secret_AppleID",
Price = 15,
ProductDataBase["Orange"] = {
ProductName = "Orange",
ProductID = "Secret_OrangeID",
Price = 12,
ProductDataBase:LinkRefrence("Apple", {"Secret_AppleID"})
--Secret_AppleID will automatically be unlinked from the Apple key to avoid any issues
ProductDataBase:LinkRefrence("Orange", {"Secret_AppleID", "Secret_OrangeID"})
print(ProductDataBase["Secret_AppleID"]) --points to orange data
Question: How to get rid keys/values (Garbage Collecting)
Answer: By simply setting any linked key value to nil, each key link will be removed and the value will be set to nil.
local PlayerDatabase =
PlayerDatabase[10] = {
Username = "ChillGuy123",
DisplayName = "Chillest One",
UserId = 10
--Link keys so I can access player data via Username, Displayname, or UserId
PlayerDatabase:LinkRefrence(10, {"ChillGuy123", "Chillest One"})
print(PlayerDatabase["ChillGuy123"]) --prints his data
--Lets delete ChillGuy123 from the database
PlayerDatabase["ChillGuy123"] = nil
print(PlayerDatabase[10]) --nil
print(PlayerDatabase["ChillGuy123"]) --nil
print(PlayerDatabase["Chillest One"]) --nil
Question: What if you remove all key links from a value
Answer: The value will simply be garbage collected
Issue to note
Unfortunatly I do not know how to allow autofill to work with this system. Please help me to find a way to resolve this. As of now this is the only issue.
Let me know what you think (this is my first ever community resource)
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The code for the module is at the top of this post