A TDS game question

Hey, devs! I had a TDS game idea but im not sure how to go about it any suggestions? I would love video suggestions or post suggestions I can look at and learn. I prefer a reading post but I’m not picky.

Thank you

I remember that once I tried to make a Tower Defense and never succeeded,
This video helped me a lot, although its a DevLog the code is very useful at first, then the code stops being explicit and you will have to do it yourself,

After that you can use this code as a base, because it will still be a long time to finish
Just put “Edit” and you can see the code [AS REFERENCE]


Thank you so much, i saw the devlog when researching so yeah i will watch the dev log see what to do and know what to do then research and try to understand the uncopylocked version of TDS.

Have a good day/night where ever you are from