A todo list plugin!

My first plugin, this is supposed to help you track what you finished and what you still need to work on, for example

click this button

you should see this widget

Edit your todo list name

Now create as much things to do in the todo list as you want, there is no limits!

Also you can delete them!

And you can check them if youre done with the thing in the to do list!

X means not complete, * means complete.

so what are you waiting for? get it here! TODO list plugin

Feedback is appreciated


Honestly, this is something everyone needs. It’s incredibly useful but it 100% needs a better looking UI
(also the fact that you did not use a checkmark to mark finished tasks lowkey triggers me xd)


i was thinking of UICorners, but it wouldnt apply to scrollingframes

im not a gui designer myself, keep in mind

lol i couldnt find a website which could make symbol text so ill change it to imageguis later

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Small, but pretty nice one! Amazing!

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thanks for this feedback, btw what can i improve?

Generally, I don’t see this plugin missing anything! The only thing you could improve is your UI!

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Your right, UI is added to my TODO list xd


This is a great idea for a plugin, though I have some improvements you could do:

  1. UI could use some improvements (Colours, Checkmarks for completing a task etc.)
  2. Icon for your plugin

Here’s some icons you could use for the UI:
Checkbox: http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6031068421
Checksymbol: http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6031094667

Delete: http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6022668885
Delete: http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=6022668962


Good idea.

I’ve always just used a Script in the workspace that is disabled and write notes in there, then delete each note when I’ve completed the task.

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Since is a widget i suggest creating a GUI in the StarterGui and use plugin to make it into code so u can easily make it look better. And please add check box for finished tasks.

Other things u can do

  • Change the font
  • Remove TextStroke
  • Make the PrimaryFrame size to be 1x1 with the widget
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Overall this plugin is great!
However, some things I’d like changed/added:

  • Better UI (color pallet similar to discord, corners, etc…)
  • Checkmark to complete a task
  • ‘Create new thing to TODO list’ makes no sense
  • Smaller task text outline, current one is chunky and hard to read
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pretty neat idea, though I’d personally focus on better UI.
useful plugin though! 10/10

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Hmm, what should I change it to?

Thank you all for positive feedback! That’s all added to my TODO list in the plugin itself lol!

Glad this plugin solved this

If I do remove textstroke then my upcoming update which is theme support will make text unreadable

Either way, other of your ideas is good

Add Item to list
New entry


is there a way I can change the plugins design?

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I’m currently trying to improve the UI design, for now you can just fork this plugin.