A "torque" for vector force?

Im using vector forces for a plane im working on, to turn the plane left and right because i think thats the best way? (if not tell me)

And well, the problem is i want the plane to turn slowly so i put the force to 100, but then it wouldnt have enough power to turn the heavy object, and i dont wanna increase force because it would also make the plane rotate at about mach 12, so i want to see if theres a way to make it have infinite torque or something similar to make it turn any heavy object slowly.

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Could you show us the code you’re currently working with?

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Dont really get why code is important but here it is

game.ReplicatedStorage.RemoteEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(c, val)
	if val == "W" then
		script.Parent.VectorForce2.Force =Vector3.new(0,-300,0)
	elseif val == "S" then
		script.Parent.VectorForce2.Force =Vector3.new(0,300,0)
	elseif val == "Se" then
		script.Parent.VectorForce2.Force =Vector3.new(0,0,0)
		script.Parent.VectorForce4.Force =Vector3.new(0,0,0)
	elseif val == "Se1" then
		script.Parent.VectorForce4.Force =Vector3.new(0,0,0)
	elseif val == "A" then
		script.Parent.VectorForce4.Force =Vector3.new(0,-300,0)
	elseif val == "D" then
		script.Parent.VectorForce4.Force =Vector3.new(0,300,0)