A union invisible boundaries detect player?

So I have a half circle union which I use partsinregion3 to detect players. This works fine, but the problem is that there is an invisible rectangular boundary which detects the players instead of the visible part detecting the player. https://gyazo.com/bd795542991bbba0f3a978b62ef934ce This makes the shop a bit annoying to players who want to go around the shop instead of inside it. Is there a way I can fix this?

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You could have many different parts forming a circle to detect a collision. These collision parts would be transparent. The actual union circle that players see will not detect collision.

A part made circle could be made with this plugin:

Hope this helps!

Won’t this cause lag because of many parts?

I mean, you don’t have to have one part per degree. You could go by intervals of like 15 or 30 degrees. This doesn’t make a perfect circle, but when it comes to collision, I think this is fine.

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